Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Process Pictures by Computer

    Getting Images From Your Camera to Your Computer

    • 1). Install the software disc that came with your digital camera by logging on to your computer, inserting the software disc into the disc drive and following the prompts that guide you through the installation process. Once the software has been installed, you are ready to upload your pictures.

    • 2). There are two methods of uploading digital photos to your home computer: USB cable and memory stick. If you are uploading your pictures via USB, attach the USB cable to the USB port on your digital camera.

    • 3). Attach the other end of the USB cable to the USB port on the computer tower. The USB port may be located on the front or the back of the tower.

    • 4). Turn on the camera. When the pop-up menu appears, select "Import and View Photos". The photos will begin to upload to the computer. Because you chose to view the pictures while uploading, you will be able to see them on the screen. Depending on the amount and size of the pictures on your camera, this may take several minutes.

    • 5). Determine which picture you want to print, and double click on it to enlarge it. You can then edit your selected image by selecting the "Fix" option from the menu. On a basic editing program, you can perform only simple editing functions like adjusting red eye or cropping.

    • 6). Once you've edited your photo, select the "Print" option from the menu. This will open a second pop-up window, where you can select your settings.

    • 7). Choose how you would like your picture to print. You can select paper size, print quality, paper type and page layout from this menu. Set your print quality to the highest setting. and be sure to change your paper type from "Plain" to "Photographic."

    • 8). Turn your printer on, and load photographic printer paper into the printer tray, making sure to place it shiny side up or down, depending upon how paper runs through your printer.

    • 9). Click the "Print" option again, and your picture will print.

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      If you are uploading images directly from a memory card, simply remove the card from the camera and insert it into the USB input on the tower. The USB input for the memory card is a small slot, just the size of the card, which may also be located on the front or back of the tower. Once inserted, the pop-up menu will display, and you can upload and print your photos in the same manner as above.

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      Once you've mastered the techniques of uploading, printing and performing simple edits on your photos, you may want to invest in a good photo editing software, such as Print Shop, which lets you create custom projects like cards, scrapbook pages and stationery from your digital pictures. With good, reputable photo editing software, you can create Christmas and birthday cards, vignettes with blurred edges, pictures with backgrounds and graphics, photo collages and other photo projects.

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