Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Boost Your Traffic and Search Engine Rankings With Article Marketing

It is no secret that writing online articles and submitting them to online submission sites is fast becoming the most highly regarded way to build traffic to a website.
Online article marketing works on several levels at once:
  1. It is very inexpensive.
    If you do it yourself, all it costs is time.
    Time to write the articles and time to submit them to the article submission sites.
  2. Article marketing builds inbound links very quickly.
    The strategy is a viral approach.
    You put your article on a submission site, and other webmasters use your article as content for their sites or newsletters.
    They get quality content as long as they attribute the article to you, respect your copyright and keep any links pointing to your site intact.
  3. You get to put a "resource box" at the bottom of your article that tells about you and your business, and points a link to your website.
  4. If 100 webmasters publish your one article, you get 100 inbound links pointing to your website.
    If you write 100 articles and each are used 100 times, you get 10,000 articles linking to your site.
  5. The articles are usually short, averaging 300 to 900 words in length, so they allow you to show off your expertise but often are short enough that it just teases readers to contact you for more information.
  6. Your article writing can have a cumulative effect of building a reputation as an expert in your field very, very quickly.
    It doesn't take long for you to earn very high search engine rankings whenever someone searches for information on your field of expertise.
So how can you make these articles even more effective for you? One way is to make sure your keywords are liberally sprinkled throughout your articles.
If you are a criminal defense lawyer, you want people to find you whenever they type the words "criminal defense lawyer" into their search engine.
So the solution is to make sure your article has those search terms appear at least 3 or 4 times in each article.
And if possible, have those terms appear in your article's title as well.
Another very effective technique is to make sure your resource box almost demands readers check out your site.
Arouse curiosity and promise a real benefit if they at least click on your link.
What will a reader learn or find out if they visit your site?What problems can they solve if thy visit?What changes can they see happen if they click that link?All these are things you must include in your resource box if you want to pull in visitors.

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