Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Symptoms Related to Your Kidney Stones

What are the symptoms of kidney stones? Blood in the urine, pain in the lower back or groin area, excruciating are the few symptoms you will know that you are having stones in kidneys.
If your stones size is bigger then you will feel more pain.
Blood in the urine can last for a day or less or the bleeding may go on for days.
Strict bed rest, increased fluid intake, and acetaminophen (if there is pain) are usually the treatments if the bleeding is prolonged.
Blood sugar regulation is important because sugar tends to increase the amount of calcium in the urine.
Another factor may be a latent or chronic infection.
Signs of kidney stone irritation and blockage include sharp pain or cramping in the area of the kidney, back or side, nausea or vomiting, burning or blood with urination, or the need to urinate frequently.
Diagnosis is usually made with ultrasound or X-ray technology, and important information about the stone's size, shape, location and composition is obtained.
Signs of respiratory distress and heart failure may be evident.
Eventually, he develops uremia and renal failure.
Pain medications can be prescribed for symptom relief.
There are several factors which influence the ability to pass a stone.
Pain began in side/flank.
Radiating, searing pain that rapidly got worse.
Pain usually begins abruptly on one side of your body, then becomes constant and intense.
If the pain shifts downward, toward the groin, the stone is traveling downward through the ureter closer to the bladder.
Again some of the symptoms of kidney stones are Patients usually presents with the most agonizing pain in the lower back just below the ribs, which often extends into the groin area (described as A radiation of pain).
The patient may also experience nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine (haematuria), restlessness and fever (if infection is present).
Patients who form kidney stones should not avoid calcium products unless specifically advised by their doctor.

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