Yeast Infections During Pregnancy
If you're pregnant, you may have noticed that whereas yeast infections weren't a problem before, they suddenly are now. Why does this occur?
Candida albicans is the critter that causes yeast infections. It's important to understand that Candida is present in small amounts in the bodies of healthy women, which is perfectly normal. All it takes for a full-blown infection to occur is for the balance of natural microorganisms to skew in favor of yeast. This can occur for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is hormonal fluctuations.
Hormonal fluctuations, which occur frequently during pregnancy, can lead to more yeast because hormones influence the natural balance of acid and base in the body, creating an environment where yeast can overgrow and invade. If you happen to have abnormal glucose levels in your blood during pregnancy, a condition called gestational diabetes, you may also be at a higher risk of developing an infections, as sugar is a food source for yeast.
There are other risk factors that are not necessarily associated with pregnancy, but that you want to avoid if you can if you are pregnant, as they will further increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. Certain medications, like antibiotics and steroids, can tip the internal environment of the body in factor of yeast. Antibiotics kill off good bacteria along with the bad, and can create a dearth of competing microorganisms so that Candida may grow more than it should. Steroids can weaken the immune system so that your body's defenses are down and are less able to fight back against any type of infection.
Douching is a big no-no that you should avoid- especially if your pregnant. It can create an abnormal pH balance inside the vagina so that yeast can take over.
If you do have a vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy, make sure to avoid sexual intercourse while you are waiting for it to clear. You will likely do this anyway as sex can be uncomfortable or painful during infection. Keep in mind that it IS possible to spread Candida to your partner, especially if he is uncircumcised, who can then spread it back to you.
The symptoms of a yeast infection during pregnancy are similar as when you aren't pregnant. The vaginal and vulvar areas may be itchy, red and swollen, and you can have a thick, whitish discharge that looks like cottage cheese. The symptoms can vary a lot by woman, though, and depend on the severity of the infection. There are also other vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, which can be confused with yeast. It is especially important that you get a correct diagnosis if you are pregnant so that the infection is properly treated.
Because certain oral treatments, such as Diflucan, can be harmful to a baby during pregnancy, most gynecologists recommend antifungal vaginal creams and suppositories as the safest treatment. This is also the case if you are lactating, as oral antifungal medications can pass to the infant through the mother's breastmilk, possibly leading to toxic levels of the medication in the baby.
Candida albicans is the critter that causes yeast infections. It's important to understand that Candida is present in small amounts in the bodies of healthy women, which is perfectly normal. All it takes for a full-blown infection to occur is for the balance of natural microorganisms to skew in favor of yeast. This can occur for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is hormonal fluctuations.
Hormonal fluctuations, which occur frequently during pregnancy, can lead to more yeast because hormones influence the natural balance of acid and base in the body, creating an environment where yeast can overgrow and invade. If you happen to have abnormal glucose levels in your blood during pregnancy, a condition called gestational diabetes, you may also be at a higher risk of developing an infections, as sugar is a food source for yeast.
There are other risk factors that are not necessarily associated with pregnancy, but that you want to avoid if you can if you are pregnant, as they will further increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. Certain medications, like antibiotics and steroids, can tip the internal environment of the body in factor of yeast. Antibiotics kill off good bacteria along with the bad, and can create a dearth of competing microorganisms so that Candida may grow more than it should. Steroids can weaken the immune system so that your body's defenses are down and are less able to fight back against any type of infection.
Douching is a big no-no that you should avoid- especially if your pregnant. It can create an abnormal pH balance inside the vagina so that yeast can take over.
If you do have a vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy, make sure to avoid sexual intercourse while you are waiting for it to clear. You will likely do this anyway as sex can be uncomfortable or painful during infection. Keep in mind that it IS possible to spread Candida to your partner, especially if he is uncircumcised, who can then spread it back to you.
The symptoms of a yeast infection during pregnancy are similar as when you aren't pregnant. The vaginal and vulvar areas may be itchy, red and swollen, and you can have a thick, whitish discharge that looks like cottage cheese. The symptoms can vary a lot by woman, though, and depend on the severity of the infection. There are also other vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, which can be confused with yeast. It is especially important that you get a correct diagnosis if you are pregnant so that the infection is properly treated.
Because certain oral treatments, such as Diflucan, can be harmful to a baby during pregnancy, most gynecologists recommend antifungal vaginal creams and suppositories as the safest treatment. This is also the case if you are lactating, as oral antifungal medications can pass to the infant through the mother's breastmilk, possibly leading to toxic levels of the medication in the baby.