Home & Garden Gardening

The Growing Trend of Using Homemade Natural Insecticides

People are realizing the benefits of using homemade natural insecticides and gradually moving away from those synthesized chemical time bombs that were used in the past.
The principles of organic gardening have remained the same over the centuries but we have come a long way in producing visually appealing and tasty vegetables.
Gone are the long spindly carrots and blemished worm holed apples.
Studies over the years have all come to the same conclusion; the synthetic chemical insecticides are not doing our environment damage and not doing humans any favors in the health department.
The question we should be asking ourselves is this, why do we still use pesticides that we know are harmful when there are all natural insecticide products available that do the job without the dangers.
Our soils and more globally our planet is becoming more and more toxic with these chemicals being sprayed on our foods.
Foods that we eat are covered, albeit colorless, with chemicals that keep the insects from eating the produce and also keep the produce free from disease.
The problem with these insecticides and such is that the residue of the protective chemicals is still present on the food we buy in the supermarkets.
Most people do not wash their fruit and vegetables before consuming them.
It usually takes the public to be incensed with anger for there to be any changes to legislation, and therefore nothing changes with these insecticides because the results are insidious.
Health dangers do not become apparent till long periods of time expended so the public association with cancer causing insecticides is diluted over time even though reports and studies have shown the results of continual exposure to these pesticides.
We rely heavily on the governing bodies of our countries health departments to keep us safe.
And to some extent there are changes being implemented by these departments to encourage a movement away from synthetic pesticides and move toward the eco friendly natural insecticides.
The scientific community is looking seriously at natures ability to protect itself from insects and disease.
Well it seems that the humble gardener has already decided to take matters into their own hands as they have been using all natural insecticide products of their own making for many a year.
Now theses research scientists are beginning to recognize the general population using natural alternatives as doing the right thing for themselves and the community at large.
If future trends keep going as they are you will see more products on the supermarket shelves which are based on research which has found natural plants and such for insect and disease control.
This can only be of benefit to the public and cannot come too soon.
There were very little books written on the subject of natural insecticide products but if you look closely you will find some gems out there that will have all the knowledge gleaned from many years of patient experimentation by green thumb gardeners who have found the secrets that nature is so willing to give you if you look hard enough.
Most of the ingredients required to make the all natural insecticide products can be obtained by either picking from your own backyard, planting your own supply or buying from the local plant and vegetable suppliers.

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