Travel & Places Hunting/Shooting

Elk Hunting Equipment List

    Sighting Equipment

    • There are three options when looking for equipment to enhance sight during an elk hunt. Elk tend to blend in with the mountain background, so having a good pair of binoculars, not necessarily cheap, will help with viewing. Another option is a range finder. Range finders help measure the distance for accurate aiming. Like binoculars prices vary, but a cheap version is not recommended if the plan is to use them frequently and with luck. The third option to help enhance sight is a spotting scope. These can be tough to lug around due to their bulk and weight, but come in handy as the eye power on them bests a pair of binoculars.


    • There are two types of hunts for elk: hunting with guns or hunting with bow and arrow. For an archery hunt, the weapon of choice is bow and arrows. There are a number of different bows available and for a variety of prices. Personal preference plays a large part in deciding which one is for you. Hunting elk with guns can be done with rifles or muzzleloader, depending on what time of year it is and what area the hunt takes place in. It is recommended that any rifle used for elk have a scope for better accuracy. Muzzleloaders are usually distances at about 200 yards and used during black powder hunts.


    • As with any hunting trip, clothing makes the hunt. Shirts and pants should fit comfortably and be scent free--in other words, don't wash them the day before in tropical vanilla fabric softener. Hunting boots should be waterproof and broken in to prevent soreness. Consider taking a hat or sunglasses, or both, to shade the eyes and keep out glare. It is also a good idea to have at least one pair of gloves to keep hands safe from brush. Fingerless gloves seem to work well as they do not hinder when pulling up on an elk that may come out of the brush and surprise you. Also be sure to check state laws to know if hunter orange is required or not.

    In the Backpack

    • Having a backpack along to carry extra supplies is recommended. Some of the things that should be included in the backpack are water bottles, flashlight, first aid kit, hand sanitizer, camera, knives, bone saw, whet stone, compass, game bag and waterproof matches. Be sure to pack hunting regulations, hunting license and topography (topo) maps as well.

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