Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Magic Marker From Clothes

    • 1). Place a clean, white cloth on top of a flat work surface. Lay the Magic Marker-stained garment on the cloth with the stained side down.

    • 2). Isolate the Magic Marker stain and prevent it from spreading by sponging it with rubbing alcohol. Dab at the edges of the stain, then move inward.

    • 3). Rinse the clothing with cold water to remove the rubbing alcohol and as much marker stain as possible.

    • 4). Pour heavy-duty laundry detergent onto the remaining stain. Work the soap into the clothing fibers by rubbing it in with your fingers. Let the detergent sit for 10 to 20 minutes.

    • 5). Mix 1 gallon of cool water and 1/4 cup all-fabric bleach in a bucket. Soak the stained garment in the diluted bleach solution for 15 minutes. Rinse in cool water.

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      Hang dry clothing so you can make sure all stains have been removed before using the dryer.sweater and t-shirt hanging on a clothes line image by Gina Smith from Fotolia.com

      Wash the clothing with heavy-duty laundry detergent. Add the recommended amount of all-fabric bleach to the wash cycle to help remove any traces of marker stain. Allow your clothing to air-dry, as drying them in the dryer will set any remaining stain.

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