Health & Medical Body building

2 New Muscle Building Protein Powders You Should Be Interested In

Protein powders are excellent ways to take in that much needed muscle building protein quickly and efficiently.
They are incredibly convenient and can be very effective for building muscle.
Generally speaking, the number one choice for bodybuilders has been whey protein.
While this is an effective and, usually, cost effective form of protein, it's not without it's problems.
Many users have reported upset stomachs, bad breath, and bad gas with too much whey protein intake.
And the inexpensive forms of whey are considered low quality and inferior for muscle gains.
There are 2 new protein powders that definitely look promising and have advantages over whey.
This has been considered an extremely promising form of protein and many trainees have switched over from whey to give it a try.
It's a complete protein, contains essential fatty acids in the perfect ratio of 1:3 Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio, has the added benefit of fiber, and is minimally processed, thus it doesn't contain all the fillers that you find in many whey products.
It's a great choice for vegetarian bodybuilders as well.
Since hemp is fairly new and hasn't been fully embraced by bodybuilders, the effectiveness of it over other proteins is still unclear.
Many do give it high rankings and claim it's the best protein they've had, but many others get turned off both by the taste, and the price.
Hemp can be on the expensive side.
And the taste? Well, it's really not the greatest.
It's grainy and for an everyday protein it can take some getting used to.
Personally, after some months of hemp protein, I couldn't hack the grainy nutty nature of hemp consumption.
And I'm the type that rarely complains about taste.
If it's good and effective then I'll hack it.
But then again if it takes too long to get a smooth consistency, and I can't seem to get used to it at all, then it get's old.
And if you don't get a smooth consistency, it doesn't seem to settle too well in your stomach, at least for me.
Many bodybuilders may instinctively skip over reading about this form of protein.
That would be a mistake.
Don't automatically clump pea protein in the sub-par "vegetarian alternative" category.
Pea protein actually ranks up there as a high quality, muscle promoting protein.
Yes, it is vegetable based, but it yields a high biological value of around 65%.
This high biological value rating tells us that this protein is a better choice for increased nitrogen retention.
These proteins are ideal for reducing lean tissue loss, compared to other proteins with low biological values.
Plus the amino acid profile in pea protein is very impressive.
It's been found to actually utilize more amino acids than most other proteins.
Personally I have found pea protein to go down very smooth and actually taste decent.
I experienced no signs of muscle loss when switching over from whey.
Along with a good weightlifting program, protein supplementation can definitely deliver muscle growth weight gains.
Both whey and pea proteins can be great choices for getting in the needed amount of high quality proteins in order to get bigger.

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