How to Create a "Spring Clean Your Life" Success Strategy
It's that time of the year again, the sun is shining and the birds are beginning to sing the song of spring.
To let you know that it is time for some spring cleaning.
The cleaning of your home, garage, or work space is very important of course, because we all work better when we can focus on what we want and need to do instead of the fact that we can't see the keyboard or find the mouse.
But I would like to show you another must cleaning project for you this spring.
The spring cleaning of your life, your inner cleaning, a way to review, adjust and move forward from what you have or haven't gotten done from that good old New Year's resolution.
Spring is the perfect time to reflect on what we've done with our goals and dreams so far this year.
It helps make any changes we need, gives a chance to congratulate ourselves for successes and get us focused for the summer months ahead that can tend to always lean more to the fun side, then the productive side.
So we need a strategy for success to keep us on track and moving forward! 1.
Get Clear on Your Spring Cleaning Checklist: This is the corner stone of all self improvement, if we don't know what we want, how can we know how to get it.
So right now before you even read the next step do this: - get a blank piece of paper and a pen.
- give yourself 3 minutes, that's it, 3 minutes.
Anyone can give that!!! - write at the top of the page "spring clean my life" - write down everything that pops in your head that you want to get cleaned out of your life this spring.
- don't think to hard, just let the ideas flow onto the paper.
Awesome Job!! 2.
Get a Calendar: This idea is constantly overlooked and pushed to the side as not important or to much trouble.
Please get that out of your mind and realize that we cannot remember everything and remain happy people.
We must create a time line for goals and make them real by giving us a reasonable date of completion.
- take your top 3 spring cleaning wants from the previous list and give a time frame of completion on your calendar.
Write "complete ______ by today!" in that date's box.
- add your next top 2 spring cleaning wants and do the same.
You now have 5 concrete goals for spring cleaning your life and that is a fantastic place to be.
Give Yourself Rewards: Let's face it, we all love to receive praise for things that we do.
But many of us always look for it from someone else instead of just giving to ourselves.
I would like to change this and make everyone feel just as happy about what they have accomplished whether or not anyone else knows it, or notices.
This is gonna be fun.
- Again on your calendar, write down something you will do for yourself on a date after but near each one of your completed goals.
*(Do something that won't hurt your future goals, so if losing weight is a goal, don't reward yourself with a big meal, try instead a new outfit for the new you!) 4.
Remember Your Success: This step is probably the easiest yet I feel one of the most important.
After you have completed your task and celebrated there is one more crucial thing to do to ensure future success.
Share the experience.
- Write down in a journal, notebook or on your blog or anywhere you feel comfortable.
Write down your experience, how it felt to follow through and give yourself a reward, let me say that again, give yourself a reward.
How did it feel? What do you remember? Be specific and give it as much time as you need.
Don't forget this is fun and growing, not a chore.
- Share the experience with others.
Tell your family, friends and co workers about it, even read them what you wrote if you like.
Remember this is not bragging, you worked for this, this is sharing a success story and believe me they will be happy to hear it and maybe even be inspired themselves.
So get yourself in gear and catch the spring cleaning bug and get your goals set, get them on a time line of completion, reward yourself and remember the experience and share it with others.
Have a great time with your spring clean, your life success strategy.
To let you know that it is time for some spring cleaning.
The cleaning of your home, garage, or work space is very important of course, because we all work better when we can focus on what we want and need to do instead of the fact that we can't see the keyboard or find the mouse.
But I would like to show you another must cleaning project for you this spring.
The spring cleaning of your life, your inner cleaning, a way to review, adjust and move forward from what you have or haven't gotten done from that good old New Year's resolution.
Spring is the perfect time to reflect on what we've done with our goals and dreams so far this year.
It helps make any changes we need, gives a chance to congratulate ourselves for successes and get us focused for the summer months ahead that can tend to always lean more to the fun side, then the productive side.
So we need a strategy for success to keep us on track and moving forward! 1.
Get Clear on Your Spring Cleaning Checklist: This is the corner stone of all self improvement, if we don't know what we want, how can we know how to get it.
So right now before you even read the next step do this: - get a blank piece of paper and a pen.
- give yourself 3 minutes, that's it, 3 minutes.
Anyone can give that!!! - write at the top of the page "spring clean my life" - write down everything that pops in your head that you want to get cleaned out of your life this spring.
- don't think to hard, just let the ideas flow onto the paper.
Awesome Job!! 2.
Get a Calendar: This idea is constantly overlooked and pushed to the side as not important or to much trouble.
Please get that out of your mind and realize that we cannot remember everything and remain happy people.
We must create a time line for goals and make them real by giving us a reasonable date of completion.
- take your top 3 spring cleaning wants from the previous list and give a time frame of completion on your calendar.
Write "complete ______ by today!" in that date's box.
- add your next top 2 spring cleaning wants and do the same.
You now have 5 concrete goals for spring cleaning your life and that is a fantastic place to be.
Give Yourself Rewards: Let's face it, we all love to receive praise for things that we do.
But many of us always look for it from someone else instead of just giving to ourselves.
I would like to change this and make everyone feel just as happy about what they have accomplished whether or not anyone else knows it, or notices.
This is gonna be fun.
- Again on your calendar, write down something you will do for yourself on a date after but near each one of your completed goals.
*(Do something that won't hurt your future goals, so if losing weight is a goal, don't reward yourself with a big meal, try instead a new outfit for the new you!) 4.
Remember Your Success: This step is probably the easiest yet I feel one of the most important.
After you have completed your task and celebrated there is one more crucial thing to do to ensure future success.
Share the experience.
- Write down in a journal, notebook or on your blog or anywhere you feel comfortable.
Write down your experience, how it felt to follow through and give yourself a reward, let me say that again, give yourself a reward.
How did it feel? What do you remember? Be specific and give it as much time as you need.
Don't forget this is fun and growing, not a chore.
- Share the experience with others.
Tell your family, friends and co workers about it, even read them what you wrote if you like.
Remember this is not bragging, you worked for this, this is sharing a success story and believe me they will be happy to hear it and maybe even be inspired themselves.
So get yourself in gear and catch the spring cleaning bug and get your goals set, get them on a time line of completion, reward yourself and remember the experience and share it with others.
Have a great time with your spring clean, your life success strategy.