Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Brush a Schnauzer

    • 1). Using a slicker brush, begin by brushing the fur on the schnauzer's front legs. Move in an upward direction, from the dog's foot to its body. Repeat this brushing with the rear legs, as well. Use a comb to detangle any matted areas.

    • 2). Run the pin brush over the schnauzer's belly, moving from head to tail. At the animal's armpits, use a slicker brush to work through matted fur.

    • 3). Brush the dog's body. Go over its fur with the pin brush, brushing from head to tail.

    • 4). Use a slicker brush or a comb to push the schnauzer's eyebrow fur downward, toward its nose.

    • 5). Brush the schnauzer's beard or facial fur forward, then down so it reaches underneath the chin.

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