Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Get Back Together - How to Get Off to a Great Start When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

Thinking about last night makes your head hurt.
You don't even remember all the details too clearly.
There were a few hurled insults, more than a few if the truth be told.
There also happened to be a few more hurled dishes, a huge mess to clean up, and empty cabinets everywhere.
The worst of last night though is the fact that the only thing in the garbage before it ended was your relationship.
"Splits-ville" is a lonely place to visit in the glaring bright light of day.
Your first thought is probably going to be about how to get back together.
That's a good place to begin at the very least.
Of course, the biggest problem is undoing all the terrible things you said last night.
Unfortunately, you can't un-ring a bell.
What's been said is said and what you have to do in your efforts to get back together is to work your way out of the spot your mouth and temper got you into.
The good news is that she may be looking for an excuse to take you back.
The bad news is you have to give her a darned good reason to get past what you said last night.
If you really love her, you'll want to figure out how to get back together as quickly as possible.
What you want to do is formulate a plan quickly though.
You absolutely do not want to dive right in and start text messaging empty apologies, calling every five minutes, or leaving frantic voice mails on her machine.
You dug a pretty deep hole last night.
Give her a little time to get over the hurt and you a little time to figure out a proper plan to redeem yourself in her eyes.
That is step one in the process for those interested in getting off to a great start in efforts to get back together.
What is step two? Learn how to apologize the right way because you've got plenty of that to do.

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