Extra! Extra! Read All About It! God"s Army Being Fully Mobilized!
This army is not like any other one on the planet.
It does not use the regular war equipment which our government uses.
It has soldiers who have no protection on their backs, but with very strong armor in front.
The reason is, these soldiers do not turn their backs on their enemies.
They do hand-to-hand combat with only a shield and a two-edged sword.
This sword cuts both ways.
The soldiers are well-trained in the use of their weapons.
They are assured of victory if they keep fighting.
These soldiers go through a high-level training program that studies the enemy and makes them equipped for every situation they would encounter on the battlefield.
These soldiers have no time off.
They are fighting until the enemy is completely subdued.
God's army consists of all of God's family of faith.
The armor is used to fight a spiritual battle.
The battlefield is our hearts and minds.
The enemy is the devil and his crowd.
The armor covers us from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet.
Christians are not turning their backs on the enemy.
They are not going to run away from their enemy.
They are courageous and strong.
They specialize in tearing down the strongholds of their enemies.
They are assured of victory.
The relationship here is, Jesus is our Commander and Chief and we are His foot soldiers.
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 we are given the strategy that will bring victory to those who are lost in sin's dark night.
It is as follows: 1.
We do not "war after the flesh.
" Even though we have the same physical makeup as earthly armies, our battle is spiritual rather than carnal or physical.
Our weapons are "mighty through God to pull down strongholds.
" We are battling for the hearts and minds of people.
This battle is waged to free people from spiritual bondage that comes from the enemies of their souls.
The purpose of our warfare is to bring people out of the slave camps they are in and bring them into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
We are "casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
" The devil and his crowd does everything they can to keep people in the dark as to what God is really like.
They do their best to make sure people do not understand how to come to God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
If they should get to God, the devil and his crowd does everything they can to make people think they made a fool out of themselves.
The army of God also brings "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
" This is done through preaching and teaching the Word of God to those who are coming out of darkness into God's marvelous light.
The army of God is helping people to "walk as children of light" in this dark world.
God's army is ready "to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
" When we are obedient to God and His Word we are revenging all disobedience.
We do this by helping people to stay obedient to God's requirements.
We will keep fighting until everything that raises itself against God is completely wiped off the face of the earth.
We will not give up or give in until God's kingdom is established upon this earth.
It does not use the regular war equipment which our government uses.
It has soldiers who have no protection on their backs, but with very strong armor in front.
The reason is, these soldiers do not turn their backs on their enemies.
They do hand-to-hand combat with only a shield and a two-edged sword.
This sword cuts both ways.
The soldiers are well-trained in the use of their weapons.
They are assured of victory if they keep fighting.
These soldiers go through a high-level training program that studies the enemy and makes them equipped for every situation they would encounter on the battlefield.
These soldiers have no time off.
They are fighting until the enemy is completely subdued.
God's army consists of all of God's family of faith.
The armor is used to fight a spiritual battle.
The battlefield is our hearts and minds.
The enemy is the devil and his crowd.
The armor covers us from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet.
Christians are not turning their backs on the enemy.
They are not going to run away from their enemy.
They are courageous and strong.
They specialize in tearing down the strongholds of their enemies.
They are assured of victory.
The relationship here is, Jesus is our Commander and Chief and we are His foot soldiers.
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 we are given the strategy that will bring victory to those who are lost in sin's dark night.
It is as follows: 1.
We do not "war after the flesh.
" Even though we have the same physical makeup as earthly armies, our battle is spiritual rather than carnal or physical.
Our weapons are "mighty through God to pull down strongholds.
" We are battling for the hearts and minds of people.
This battle is waged to free people from spiritual bondage that comes from the enemies of their souls.
The purpose of our warfare is to bring people out of the slave camps they are in and bring them into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
We are "casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
" The devil and his crowd does everything they can to keep people in the dark as to what God is really like.
They do their best to make sure people do not understand how to come to God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
If they should get to God, the devil and his crowd does everything they can to make people think they made a fool out of themselves.
The army of God also brings "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
" This is done through preaching and teaching the Word of God to those who are coming out of darkness into God's marvelous light.
The army of God is helping people to "walk as children of light" in this dark world.
God's army is ready "to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
" When we are obedient to God and His Word we are revenging all disobedience.
We do this by helping people to stay obedient to God's requirements.
We will keep fighting until everything that raises itself against God is completely wiped off the face of the earth.
We will not give up or give in until God's kingdom is established upon this earth.