Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

A Fussy Pomeranian Breeder

If you want to buy a puppy from a Pomeranian breeder, you may have to face some difficulties.
First of all, a Pomeranian breeder is the proud owner of purebred Pomeranian puppies and he will not sell them to just anybody who comes by without checking his abilities.
He wants a guarantee from you, that you will take good care of the puppies.
He likes to have a discussion with would-be buyers and sometimes asks for an explanation about the buyer's choice of a Pomeranian puppy.
He could also ask for a veterinary reference, if he knows that you already have pets.
It is important for the breeder to discuss all the problems with the prospective buyer of the Pomeranian puppy.
Even after the puppy is sold, he likes to stay in touch with the family so that he can help them if the puppy has any health or temperamental problems.
At the end of the day, the Pomeranian breeder wants to be doubly sure that he has given his puppy to the right family! It is not an easy job to spot a fake Pomeranian breeder.
Firstly, when the Pomeranian is just a puppy and its features are still not very prominent, it is difficult to judge whether it is purebred.
But there have been cases when buyers have paid large sums of money to buy a purebred Pomeranian, and then later as the dog grew up, it was quite evident that it was a mixed breed.
Duped buyers may ask for their money back, but unless there is a written guarantee, a refund may not happen.
Besides, a fake Pomeranian breeder would not be as fussy and possessive about his dogs as one normally is.
The Pomeranian is a delicate dog and needs a lot of care.
A proud Pomeranian breeder would have made his dog participate in dog shows and will be equally proud to display the accolades that it has won.
There are many websites where breeders sell their Pomeranians directly.
It is better to choose your breeder from one of the known websites, or even find a Pomeranian breeder in your neighborhood.
Pomeranians are sprightly and healthy dogs with many colors.
Their long coat needs care and brushing, as it is a long double coat.
They are lively by nature, and are very friendly and affectionate too.
They are intelligent and loving, and are extremely loyal to their family.
They are always on the lookout for learning and have an inquisitive and curious expression.
As an excellent guard dog they can be trained by their families, or even by the breeder, and so it is recommended for families.
But they are temperamental and may not be too friendly with children.
Care is also important for them, especially of their teeth.
It is recommended to give them dry food, so that their gums and teeth remain healthy.
Pomeranian breeders often train their dogs well.
They must be given the necessary exercise.
So even if you live in a apartment, make sure to take them for their short walks every day and then play with them afterwards.

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