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"?" Eko"s Dream Sequence

In episode 2x21, ?, Eko had a dream about Ana-Lucia, and then 23 images clicked by very quickly. Lost-o-holic helped me put together the list of images:
  1. The tail section plane crash.
  2. Black smoke coming from the jungle.
  3. A dead body floating in the ocean.
  4. Eko's cross on the ground.
  5. Dirty legs walking by.
  6. The Teddy bear wrapped in wire or rope.
  7. A campfire.
  8. Jin blindfolded.
  9. Virgin Mary statues on a table.
  10. The burning drug plane.

  1. Yemi in a church.
  2. The Arrow Dharma symbol on a wall.
  3. Eko's hands holding a Holy Bible.
  4. Eko's carved staff.
  5. Eko's hands on the skull of the deceased gold teeth guy.
  6. A full frame of Locke's face.
  7. Eko looking at the black smoke.
  8. The cross on Yemi's dead body.
  9. Yemi's plane lifting off.
  10. The soldiers who chased Yemi's plane.
  11. Yemi getting shot.
  12. Dr. Marvin Candle on the Swan Orientation Film.
  13. The Swan Dharma symbol.

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