Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Improve Voice Tonality Quickly

Did you know that studies have found that 38% of your communication is based on your voice tonality? I help guys get into the best physical shape of their lives, but I also like to take a step back and ask WHY we are trying to get healthy in the first place.
Most men think that "getting in shape" means putting on massive amounts of muscle.
We think bodybuilders are the healthiest dudes in the world.
We couldn't be more wrong.
Men desire to "bulk up" due to a very primal urge - the desire to gain status.
In many animals (including humans) the higher your status, the more access to valuable resources you have, and the more sexual choice you have.
And in most animals, it's the big, muscular males that have the highest status.
But if you can communicate your high status with body language and voice tone alone, then "getting huge" becomes a complete waste of time.
(Although I do tell my readers to get into great shape, there are ways to do it quickly, efficiently, and safely.
) If you want to sound less like Woody Allen and more like Darth Vader, here's how to improve voice tonality in three simple steps.
Step One: Make It Slow, Make It Low Think about all the high status guys you've met in your life and I think you'll notice they all have one thing in common: they speak slowly, with a low tone.
Now, if you have a higher voice, that's no problem.
The important thing is to keep a relaxed tonality at the bottom half of your register.
Speaking slow and low makes you look like you are in control of whatever situation you are in.
Oh, but don't force it.
Make it sound natural, otherwise everyone will wonder why you are doing a Barry White impersonation.
Step Two: Play Your Instrument Although it's important to keep your voice on the lower end, it's very important that every syllable and word doesn't have the same tonality.
Otherwise you'll sound like one of those computer-generated voices and put everyone to sleep.
Instead, look at how politicians and actors speak.
They use dramatic pauses, crescendoes, and tonal changes to accentuate different things.
In other words, they use their voices like musical instruments.
Stop talking like Ben Stein, and talk more like George Clooney.
Step Three: Stop Asking Questions Although you want to vary things up a bit with your pitch, there's one error you definitely want to avoid: sounding like you are asking questions when you really aren't.
I'm sure you have heard the people who always bring their pitch up at the end of their sentences.
It makes you sound unsure and insecure if you overuse it.
Instead, try to bring your pitch DOWN at the end of your sentences.
Now that you know how to improve your voice, now's your turn to take action, implement these things, and start convincing everyone you are the high-status person you really are!

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