Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Steam Room Dangers

    • Take precautions when using steam rooms.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

      Sitting in a steam room can be relaxing, especially after a heavy workout. Some have thought that inducing sweat through high temperatures detoxifies the body. However, exposing the body to the high heat of saunas and steam baths does not detoxify the body. The liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract work to detoxify the body without exposure to extreme heat. The high heat can be dangerous if exposed too long. Fortunately, a few precautions can limit exposure to common dangers found in steam rooms.

    Exposure to Fungus

    • The hot, steamy and dark setting of a steam room provides an ideal environment for fungal growth. Steam rooms in health clubs and gyms are exposed to multitudes of people. Some may have a fungus, such as athlete's foot, and inadvertently infect steam rooms. Wear flip-flops and sit on a towel to limit exposure to these germs.

    Overheating and Dehydration

    • The high temperature combined with 100% humidity can cause people to overheat. The body works to regulate core temperature. Staying in a steam room too long can tax the body's cooling mechanisms. Pregnant women should not use steam rooms. Exposure to the excessive heat can be dangerous to the fetus. People with health conditions should consult their physicians before using a steam room. To avoid overheating, limit time in a steam room and drink plenty of water.

    MRSA Exposure

    • This strain of the Staphylococcus bacteria has gained attention in the last couple of years. It differs from other staph infections by its resilience to normal antibacterial treatments. Also, staph infections have commonly been associated with hospitals and medical settings. MRSA infects healthy people in community settings. In a steam room, MRSA can be transmitted by sharing towels or razors. The bacteria is introduced to the body through open wounds such as cuts and abrasions. Limit exposure to MRSA by covering cuts with a bandage when visiting a steam room.

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