Health & Medical Eating & Food

Coffee Psychology

At its annual conference in Seattle, hold last week, Starbucks presented his growth plan for the United States: the giant of take-away coffee presented an ambitious plan, that comprehends an implementation of the products for customers and in particular the addiction of new instant coffees, single-dose coffee packets and coffee machines, that will be soon available at the one-brand Stores but even in commercial centres, groceries and licensed stores.

In April will be launched even a new line of Energy drinks realized with fruit juices flavored with unroasted coffee; on the international scene, on the other hand, the company aims at the enlarging of the Chinese market, that will be the second market of the chain, outside the USA, with around 1500 sales points.

Certainly the act of drinking a cup of coffee in the morning or after lunches has become an almost unconscious act, considered by someone like an automatic mean that help people to activate their body and soul in order to get ready for the intense activity of a working day or even just a short moment of pleasure.

Nevertheless in the Coffee-addict Society there is also a small number of people that are immune from the impose charm of Starbucks Stores, and dont drink coffee at all; even in Italy, where coffee is part of the culinary tradition, there are some people that cant stand its taste nor its flavor and consider their intolerance for caffeine as due to no moralistic or healthy reasons, but they declare it is caused just by a personal-taste matter.

On this fact there have been made in fact both chemical studies- in order to analyze the coffee components that could cause the dislike towards coffee experienced by some individuals- and anthropologic studies; coffee machines create a drink that, with no added sugar, is extremely bitter and indeed caffeine- component that contributes to create this bitterness is a natural pesticide that protects coffee plants from insects attacks; its no accident that, according to the logic law of nature, the receptors of the bitter tastes that are in the human tongue, originally served to prevent humans from eating poisons.

The explanation to the fact that many adult people drink coffee, despite the fact that everybody hate it when little, must be considered under the anthropologic light: when child everybody associate coffee to adulthood, as every morning or after lunches, children see that most of adults, including their parents, do it; then children want to emulate their siblings or older guys, who have already substituted orange juices and soda with cappuccino or caff-latte, and then there is the peers influence.

The mystery is unraveled by the opinion of Leon Rappoport, author of How we Eat: Appetite, Culture and the Psychology of Food that sustains that drinking coffee produces a self-esteem effect, that reduces the adolescent insecurity feelings before the adults world.

Article written by Serena Rigato

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