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The Best Way to Kiss a Man - Make Him Go Crazy

Have you wondered about the best way to kiss him? Have you pondered the subject of how to make him wild with your lips? Does the thought of kissing make you imagine it is an ancient art requiring instruction? Well, here is your instruction manual! Kissing is an ancient art, but it is one you can master with our helpful hints, some of which you may never have heard before.
And once you read, you will surely be most eager to try them out! Have fun! Here's how: 1.
Clean up your breath.
There is just no way you can be a wild kisser sporting yucky breath.
So, if you are garlic lover, then it is time to cut back.
Why? Because once you eat it, it takes ages to eradicate the smell.
The same goes for onions.
Add parsley to your diet as it is an internal deodorizer.
Keep sugar-free gum around.
Eat apples and oranges which clean things up in there.
Floss and brush regularly.
Use mouthwash, but make sure it doesn't have alcohol or it could exacerbate matters.
Stay hydrated and gargle often.
Find a mouthwash like Smart mouth which is said to keep breath clean for 12 hours.
Keep your lips soft.
Nothing worse than kissing lizard lips and leaving the poor man with gashes around his mouth! Exfoliate your lips with a soft toothbrush and Vaseline; be gentle, of course.
You can also use a mixture of sugar, honey, and oil.
Once you have scrubbed the dead skin off, apply a nice thick layer of lip balm.
Before the kiss-date, make sure your make up is minimal and nice tasting, or that you use a long-wearing lip stain.
Or you will end up looking messy.
And so will he! 3.
Switch on all your senses.
Don't kiss like a robot.
Bring to the surface what you feel for the guy.
Then kiss.
Sink into it, like your favourite ice cream sundae.
You will feel and give excitement and comfort at the same time.
Now that will drive him crazy! 4.
Don't lay all your cards on the table right away.
Star with something light, pull back, and then close in.
Save the tongue: your tongue is not going anywhere, is it? It is here to stay, so keep it in reserve.
Don't create a tsunami in there either, as in, easy on the saliva.
Also recall, there is another person in this equation, so let him do some of the fancy lip-work too! The best way to kiss is with feeling: feel every bit of it, and do what you would like him to do.
Most of all, enjoy making him go crazy!

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