Home Remedy to Remove Pet Urine Odor
- Using a black light will help you locate dried-up stains.
In order to effectively use any home remedy to remove a urine stain, you must first know where the stain is. Smelling the stain is common, but locating it is often difficult, because the stain may dry before you are aware of its presence. If the stain is not located and removed, your pet will return to the area again to urinate. Dried stains can be located easily using a black light, often referred to as a "stink light" when used to locate pet urine stains. Shine the light in all suspected areas in a darkened room to locate the area of the urine stain. Once the stain is located, you are ready to use your home remedy to remove it. - A vinegar mixture is an inexpensive solution to remove pet stains.
Urine stains should be removed immediately after soiling takes place, if possible. Whether they are discovered right away, or later using a stink light, cold water should first be used to remove as much of the urine stain as possible before using your home remedy. Never use hot water, as this will set the stain. The cold clear water should be blotted up using a clean towel or cloth before any of the home remedies are used. A wet vac or a steam cleaning machine can also be helpful to absorb the water from the area. - Apply a mixture of a half-cup of vinegar and two-thirds cup of cold water with a small amount of dish-washing liquid to the area of the stain. The vinegar acts as an odor removing agent, while the dish-washing liquid makes it spread more easily over the entire area of the stain. Once the area is totally saturated and scrubbed with a scrub brush or knotted-up cloth, rinse the area thoroughly with water and blot it dry with a towel or dry cloth. When the area is close to dry, sprinkle baking soda on it, and leave it for 24 hours before vacuuming it up.