Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Your Ex Back - The First Steps

Almost everyone has experienced a relationship break up during their lifetime - mostly they just move on.
But most relationship break ups, as many as 90%, can be repaired if you know what to do and say to get your ex back.
Maybe you're not willing to play the victim and your prepared to do a little work on your relationship, if this sounds like you then getting your ex back is a real possibility.
The first step to getting your ex back is to take a good long look at your relationship and to determine the problem areas - why you split up in the first place, these can vary from infidelity to lost love to behaviour problems or growing apart in interests, taking them for granted, letting yourself go plus many more.
It's a good idea to take pen and paper and write them down.
This gives you a good basis to work from and to decide if your willing to overcome the problems or learn to live with them.
The second thing to do is to decide if you still love and have feeling for him her and whether they still love and have feelings for you.
If they feel reconciliation isn't an option you will have your work cut out to get them back.
Okay so you have determined the cause and if there is still love what next.
How you act - almost everyone who breaks up acts in a certain way.
They act too needy or beg to have their partner back they ring or text all the time and try to pressure them.
This sort of behaviour never works and will only drive you both further apart.
The good news is there are techniques that will help in getting your ex back and for the first time they have been gathered into one step by step resource called the love recipe in the magic of making up.
This collection of techniques will show you how to boost both yours and your ex's confidence to make them realize you were both good together and that you made them feel good.
It will show you techniques on how to handle a break up, what to say during and after that will give you the best possible chance of getting your ex back .
It will show you how to draft a letter that says the right things to get them thinking they've made a mistake and how to set up a meeting with your ex even if they are not answering your calls.
In fact the love recipe from the magic of making up is a complete step by step game plan to getting your ex back.

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