Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Choosing Life

We are living in intense, challenging times.
The intensity is directly related to the unprecedented amount of energy that is available to all of us at this time.
It is here in response to us because we have asked for it.
We've been asking for a long time for answers to how to improve this planet and especially how to at long last create peace, particularly within ourselves.
These intense energies have arrived in response to this asking.
The question is what are you going to do with these energies? We are divine beings having a human experience.
This means we are the ones who will determine how we want these energies to serve us.
My question to you is are you choosing life? Are you choosing to live as opposed to just surviving? There is a big difference.
When you truly choose to live, this means you are committed to staying present with whatever experiences happen to show up in your life.
The energy of 2012 is all about the divine melding with the human and in order for this to happen, everything that exists in our lives that has been keeping the divine at an arm's length has to be released.
For this reason, the divine part of you, your soul, is always orchestrating circumstances and situations that are perfectly designed for you because it knows what kind of emotional aspects you created earlier in your life or in previous lifetimes.
Because you created these aspects, you alone are responsible for resolving them.
The energy today is simply working for you, giving you an opportunity to do just that, if you choose.
Choosing life means to be willing to not only accept these experiences but to actually revel in them.
This is only possible when you know who you really are.
The clearer you become to not just intellectually understanding but literally knowing you are divine, the more capable you're able to handle all experience with grace and honor-and eventually with joy, regardless of the type of experience.
However, the fact is that we are groomed by mass consciousness to chase after goals, keeping our minds dwelling on either future potentials or past experiences and meanwhile, we are not living in the now moment.
What this means is we are not present or at home with what is currently happening within us right now.
This actually means we are not only not choosing to live but rather, we are choosing to die, albeit very slowly.
Choosing to avoid feeling (which means experience) is saying to life that we don't really want to fully participate in it because feeling (or experience) is what life is all about.
When we avoid what we are experiencing we are literally pushing away life, choosing instead to operate out of our minds, which then says to life that it doesn't like what's happening.
Nothing is ever good enough for the mind.
It always wants more, which is why it has seduced mass consciousness into believing we need to chase after goals.
This is the minds way of staying in control, which also keeps us from enjoying this now moment regardless of what it looks like.
Having a large bank account and a lot of things doesn't necessarily mean you are choosing life.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with having things.
It's just that usually these things are created from a lot of hard work, chasing after goals to achieve them.
This is living life mentally but in the long run nothing external will ever satisfy the soul.
The soul loves you so much that it wants to experience you right here, right now regardless of your external situation.
Just as anyone in love with someone knows, you never want to be apart from your lover.
This is precisely the way your soul feels about you.
It doesn't really care about anything else.
It just wants to share life with you.
What this means is that when the soul comes to visit, it wants you to be home to greet it so that together you can enjoy the amazing adventure this planet offers.
However, it's not possible to be home when we are off somewhere in our minds concerned about the future or worrying about the past.
Choosing life means to be present within your body in every now moment.
I completely understand how challenging it can be to make the choice to step out of the mind and allow yourself to feel and experience life.
And, there was a time when I was completely alienated from myself so I have great compassion for anyone who is willing to make the choice to be present and therefore at home with life.

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