Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

Creating the Perfect Outdoor Sanctuary

For your home, you want nothing but the best.
So, whether you love to entertain or enjoy rest and relaxation, inside and out, you should not settle for anything less than the best.
When the hot weather rolls in, it is becoming increasingly common for homeowners and apartment dwellers to outfit their outdoor spaces as they would those indoors.
There are countless manufacturers that cater to helping consumers decorate their outdoor living rooms, allowing them to maximize the use of and personalize their deck or green space.
When planning the decor for your space, think of how you want the area to be used.
If you are looking to develop a lounge area on your deck or in your backyard, you will want to ensure your space is inviting, comfortable, and relaxing.
Not only will you spend many hours enjoying it, but you will want your guests to enjoy it just as much.
The first step to designing the perfect space is to determine a theme.
Are you drawn to a cottage-feel, with Muskoka chairs or rustic pieces, or clean, modern lines in glass and metals? Think about using neutral coloured furniture, which is designed to withstand the elements.
Low seated couches and chairs, assembled in a square or circular manner, will ensure the easy flow of conversation.
Coordinating coffee and side tables are often available to accompany sets of couches and chairs.
Purchasing a weather-resistant or waterproof canopy or gazebo to enclose your space will allow you entertain even when the skies open up.
Within your canopy, adding low, decorative outdoor lights create a soft glow and a cozy feel.
An outdoor fireplace or water feature can also help transform your outdoor room from a plain space to a sanctuary.
In order to make your space unique, incorporate an element of exoticism by introducing a focal point or conversation piece to the space.
element of exoticism by introducing a focal point or conversation piece to the space.
Adding African masks or African crafts, can give the space a personalized touch.
Surround yourself with the natural elements found in your yard, items that appeal to you, and you'll have created the perfect outdoor living room.

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