Home & Garden Gardening

Indoor Gardeners Rediscover Terrariums

Everything that is old is new, and the resurgence in the popularity of terrariums is proof.
The rage in the the 1970's, time-stretched indoor plant lovers have begun to bring the terrarium back into home decor.
Glass enclosed containers feature miniature plants and accents.
Easy to take care of and perfect for the absent-minded homeowner, terrariums are a cinch to create and maintain.
Here are some handy hints.
-Pick a visual theme and stick with it.
Think of the terrarium as a pint-sized landscape.
Don't mix accents from different themes such as mushrooms with driftwood.
-Remember to put a layer of small pebbles or stones on the bottom and a layer of small charcoal over.
All plants don't like to stand in water or have "wet feet".
-Water sparingly, especially if covered.
Take the top off every so often so fresh air and breathe into the terrarium.
-Buy small plants when first establishing your terrarium.
Over time these plants might need to be moved out or pruned as they overtake other plants.
Editing is the key to successful small container gardening.
-Most any glass container will do for your terrarium.
Tall cylinders work best, and I prefer topless terrariums.
-Desert scenes with cacti and succulents, add sand and some rough rocks as an easy first attempt at terrarium gardening.

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