Back Pain - Is It All In Your Head?
Have you been told that your back pain is "all in your head"? If you have suffered long-term back or neck pain someone has undoubtedly suggested that it is a psychological problem.
There is much research that points to pyscho-social factors regarding pain.
This does not mean the problem is all in your head.
It simply means that there is a mind-body connection.
You may have suffered with back pain long enough that it has begun to affect your work, relationships, social activities, family relationships and hobbies.
In fact it does not take long for pain to dramatically alter every aspect of your life.
Perhaps this is one reason for the high level of patient satisfaction people experience with chiropractic care.
The chiropractic health paradigm encompasses the physical, chemical and emotional aspects of healing.
To attempt true healing without addressing emotional issues is to be considered suspect in today's integrative health care environment.
We do not take this issue lightly at Advanced Spine and Wellness.
Our therapies are designed to re-integrate the mind body connection.
Each therapy we have chosen to incorporate in our clinic has specific ways of addressing the mind-body connection.
We must begin to look at the body as an energy system.
In the western world we tend to think of the body as a Newtonian system.
We look at all the pieces and try to repair the body-machine with knives, wrenches and screws.
We look at the chemistry of the body and assume something foreign to the body is what is needed to bring about natural balance.
Instead we need to look at the body and see where the energy "holes" are and how to fix them.
At our office we employ techniques that can be thought of in a simplistic Newtonian model or a Quantum physics model.
Either way it is the results that count.
For instance,once an complete health history is taken and a thorough examination is performed we use the Artrostim adjusting instrument.
This revolutionary instrument is designed to give very specific, gentle impulses to the body to restore normal movement to the joints.
The instrument provides impulses at 12 times per second, providing a comfortable effective therapy.
On a quantum level the arthrostim provides a electromagnetic field through the body thus changing the energy in target muscles and specific acupuncture meridians.
May of our deeply held emotional pattern are held in deep tissues of our bodies.
Fascia is the connective tissue that holds muscles together.
Fascia can become very tight and rigid, and in so doing cause restricted movement patterns that result in chronic pain.
You can think of fascia as a garbage bag under your skin.
If it is pulled tight in one spot it will cause wrinkles in another spot.
Emotional states have are manifested in the fascia because fascia dictates our movement patterns and our movements affect our emotions.
Often times fascia can be restricted in one region of the body, but because of its many connections cause pain in a distant area.
For instance we may perform a fascia release on the knee that relieves pain in the low back.
The Vibracussor is a tool that provides gently percussion to the body to work deep into connective tissues.
Many patients are amazed at the range of motion they regain after a treatment using the vibracussor.
Energetically fascia is thought to have a function in storing electrical charges.
We seem to sense changes in our environment in our fascia before we sense it with our anatomical nervous system.
Cold laser is another therapy we use at Advanced Spine and Wellness to aid in healing.
Low level infrared and ultraviolet light penetrate into the muscle tissues painlessly restoring lost range of motion and providing pain relief.
The most interesting aspect of cold laser therapy is that the patient feels nothing but the results.
No heat, no vibration, no electric current, just relief.
There is not a therapy more conducive to thinking about energy healing than the cold laser.
We are quite simply adding energy to the body.
It affects the body on a measurable, cellular level.
Nutritional supplementation can be a major ally in the fight against chronic pain.
Many nutrients have proven to reduce pain and inflammation without the dangerous side effects of prescription medications.
There are ample ways to optimize the emotional resiliency using specific nutritional supplements and lifestyle modifications.
For some patients simply understanding how to improve their chemistry can thwart a case of chronic back pain.
When a person is healthy inside and outside there is a certain vibrancy to the individual.
We say they are a "high energy" personality.
High quality, pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplementation can have a dramatic affect of ones energy level.
The newest aspect of reintegration the mind-body connection has to do with color and sound.
At the beginning of the treatment we ask that patient to choose a pair of colored glasses to wear during the treatment.
Each color has a wavelength and that wavelength corresponds to a specific auditory pitch.
The appropriate tuning fork it then struck to produce a frequency that reinforces the color.
During the treatment a tremendous amount of input using the arthrostim instrument, vibracussor and cold laser is integrated into the nervous system.
Following this process patients often report a sense of ease not experienced before.
All of these methods and therapies are designed to reintegrate the mind and body.
There is definitely a connection between how you are feeling and how you are thinking.
There always is.
That does not mean you are mentally ill.
It simply means that all areas of your being need to be addressed when dealing with chronic pain.
There is much research that points to pyscho-social factors regarding pain.
This does not mean the problem is all in your head.
It simply means that there is a mind-body connection.
You may have suffered with back pain long enough that it has begun to affect your work, relationships, social activities, family relationships and hobbies.
In fact it does not take long for pain to dramatically alter every aspect of your life.
Perhaps this is one reason for the high level of patient satisfaction people experience with chiropractic care.
The chiropractic health paradigm encompasses the physical, chemical and emotional aspects of healing.
To attempt true healing without addressing emotional issues is to be considered suspect in today's integrative health care environment.
We do not take this issue lightly at Advanced Spine and Wellness.
Our therapies are designed to re-integrate the mind body connection.
Each therapy we have chosen to incorporate in our clinic has specific ways of addressing the mind-body connection.
We must begin to look at the body as an energy system.
In the western world we tend to think of the body as a Newtonian system.
We look at all the pieces and try to repair the body-machine with knives, wrenches and screws.
We look at the chemistry of the body and assume something foreign to the body is what is needed to bring about natural balance.
Instead we need to look at the body and see where the energy "holes" are and how to fix them.
At our office we employ techniques that can be thought of in a simplistic Newtonian model or a Quantum physics model.
Either way it is the results that count.
For instance,once an complete health history is taken and a thorough examination is performed we use the Artrostim adjusting instrument.
This revolutionary instrument is designed to give very specific, gentle impulses to the body to restore normal movement to the joints.
The instrument provides impulses at 12 times per second, providing a comfortable effective therapy.
On a quantum level the arthrostim provides a electromagnetic field through the body thus changing the energy in target muscles and specific acupuncture meridians.
May of our deeply held emotional pattern are held in deep tissues of our bodies.
Fascia is the connective tissue that holds muscles together.
Fascia can become very tight and rigid, and in so doing cause restricted movement patterns that result in chronic pain.
You can think of fascia as a garbage bag under your skin.
If it is pulled tight in one spot it will cause wrinkles in another spot.
Emotional states have are manifested in the fascia because fascia dictates our movement patterns and our movements affect our emotions.
Often times fascia can be restricted in one region of the body, but because of its many connections cause pain in a distant area.
For instance we may perform a fascia release on the knee that relieves pain in the low back.
The Vibracussor is a tool that provides gently percussion to the body to work deep into connective tissues.
Many patients are amazed at the range of motion they regain after a treatment using the vibracussor.
Energetically fascia is thought to have a function in storing electrical charges.
We seem to sense changes in our environment in our fascia before we sense it with our anatomical nervous system.
Cold laser is another therapy we use at Advanced Spine and Wellness to aid in healing.
Low level infrared and ultraviolet light penetrate into the muscle tissues painlessly restoring lost range of motion and providing pain relief.
The most interesting aspect of cold laser therapy is that the patient feels nothing but the results.
No heat, no vibration, no electric current, just relief.
There is not a therapy more conducive to thinking about energy healing than the cold laser.
We are quite simply adding energy to the body.
It affects the body on a measurable, cellular level.
Nutritional supplementation can be a major ally in the fight against chronic pain.
Many nutrients have proven to reduce pain and inflammation without the dangerous side effects of prescription medications.
There are ample ways to optimize the emotional resiliency using specific nutritional supplements and lifestyle modifications.
For some patients simply understanding how to improve their chemistry can thwart a case of chronic back pain.
When a person is healthy inside and outside there is a certain vibrancy to the individual.
We say they are a "high energy" personality.
High quality, pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplementation can have a dramatic affect of ones energy level.
The newest aspect of reintegration the mind-body connection has to do with color and sound.
At the beginning of the treatment we ask that patient to choose a pair of colored glasses to wear during the treatment.
Each color has a wavelength and that wavelength corresponds to a specific auditory pitch.
The appropriate tuning fork it then struck to produce a frequency that reinforces the color.
During the treatment a tremendous amount of input using the arthrostim instrument, vibracussor and cold laser is integrated into the nervous system.
Following this process patients often report a sense of ease not experienced before.
All of these methods and therapies are designed to reintegrate the mind and body.
There is definitely a connection between how you are feeling and how you are thinking.
There always is.
That does not mean you are mentally ill.
It simply means that all areas of your being need to be addressed when dealing with chronic pain.