How to Request a Hearing for a By-Mail Parking Citation
- 1). Read the directions on the back of the violation. Many parking citations will have directions for how to request a hearing written on the back. Oftentimes you can simply check a box on the ticket and mail it to the listed address.
- 2). Fill out a "Request for Hearing after Judgment" form if it's been longer than 30 days since you've received your citation. Oftentimes a citation will immediately go into what is called "Judgment" after 30 days. This means you may have to pay administrative fees to request a hearing. New York state is an example of an area that follows this procedure.
- 3). Go to the website listed on your parking citation for more information about how to request a hearing in the area you received a citation from. For example, certain states require you to print out a form from their website and mail it in (Massachusetts, for example). Others have a form that you can both fill out and submit directly from their website. It all depends on the area you received the citation from.