How to Create a Living Witch Mask
- 1). Wash your face with a gentle cleanser to remove all oil and traces of makeup. Dry your face well with a soft towel.
- 2). Mix 1/3 lb. of prosthetic alginate by following the instructions on the kit. Cover your face around your nose, eyes and eyebrows with the prosthetic alginate. Place some on your chin as well and wait 30 minutes for it to harden. Keep it away from your mouth so you can still breathe.
- 3). Dip plaster bandages in water and cover the prosthetic alginate with the bandages. Wait about 45 minutes for the bandages to dry a little and gently remove the prosthetic alginate from your face. Place this mold face down in a cardboard box to support it.
- 4). Fill the mold you made up to the top with casting plaster and wait two hours for it to dry. Turn the mold over and pop the replica of your face out of the mold.
- 5). Build up around the nose of the replica of your face with oil-based molding clay. Mold it into a large, hooked nose that looks like a witch's nose. Look at pictures of witches and witch masks to help you mold the shape. Build up the chin to make it slightly longer and upturned. Mold a wart on the nose and chin.
- 6). Coat the nose and chin area with a mold release agent.
- 7). Cut a large disposable plastic bowl in half across the middle with a knife and place it around the nose and chin area. Surround the gaps around the bottom edge of the bowl where it meets the rest of the replica of your face with oil-based clay. Pour the plaster into the cup to get a cast of the nose and chin you molded and wait two to three hours for it to harden.
- 8). Pull and scoop all of the oil-based clay out of the new plaster mold of the chin and nose. Rub the inside of the mold with cotton swabs or a lint-free cloth to remove all traces of the clay.
- 9). Pour liquid latex into the mold of the nose and chin. Wait 30 minutes and swirl it around as it dries so you have thin edges and a thick center. Pour the excess latex out, wait 10 hours for it to dry and pull the nose and chin mold gently.
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Brush spirit gum on your nose and chin and press the prosthetic nose and chin you created onto your face. Wait 15 minutes for the spirit gum to dry. Paint your face with green face paint or use a pale, ghoulish color such as light gray. Painting your face and the prosthetic pieces will make them blend together. Line your eyes and eyebrows with black face paint to accentuate them.