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California Bail Bonds Information: Bail Information And Some Local Statistics

The bail bonds process can seem like a tough thing to people who find themselves dealing with an arrest. But bail is actually designed to protect those who have been arrested or detained.

Bail bonds and bondsmen aren't used in every state. . Some form of bail exists, however, in all parts of the U.S. .

Let's begin by taking a look at some rudimentary info about bail bonds, and then get into some specifics about the bail bonds process in SoCal, particularly the Los Angeles and Van Nuys areas where two major county jails exist.

Fist we'll start with a little general bail info.

Bail Info (Applies Nationwide)

Bail bonds are actually designed to help those who have been arrested and held in a police station or some legal holding facility. . Bail doesn't usualy seem to be in your best interest because it seems like you're getting forced to pay a fine, but bail bonds are really a way to allow you to be set free before the courts can hear your case. .

Judges often set bail amounts to pretty standard levels based on similar cases that have happened before. But they are legally allowed to fluctuate bail amounts from the norm in certain circumstances, depending on the case.

If you ever hear that a person is released on their own recognizance, it means that the judge has excused bail, trusting that the suspect will appear for their court dates without a financial incentive. This usually happens only in cases of particular prominence. Most of the time, bail will be set at an amount over $10,000 Since most citizens cant afford to shell out that kind of cash, a bail bondsman fronts the money for the suspect by issuing a bail bond, at a cost of just 10% of the bail to the suspect. The bail bonds company gets to keep their fee, and all financial responsibilities are forgiven by the courts if the defendant makes it to all his scheduled appearances.

Los Angeles Bail Process

Bail works the same in Los Angeles as it does throughout California. More than 350 adults were arrested per day in 2010, according to the LACSD Crime and Arrest Statistics Report. In most of these cases, bail bonds get posted at local stations and those arrested do not ever see the inside of a county jail.

If they are transferred to a county jail, a bail bondsman can meet them there. In LA County, this usually means the Los Angeles County Jail (The Twin Towers,) or the LA County Jail at the Van Nuys Courthouse.

Bail Bonds in Van Nuys

No matter what type of holding facility a suspect is at, the bail bonds process will remain the same.

Bail bonds agents have to go through a paperwork process to post an official bond. Once done, suspects are allowed to go free until their scheduled court dates. After that, all bail monies, other than a 10% fee to the bail bondsman, are excused by the courts as long as the arrestee appears at all their scheduled court dates. This allows a suspect to go on with their lives and normal work schedules, without unfair penalties related to the arrest.

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