Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Buying Healthy Dog Biscuits? Know Your Ingredients to Keep Your Dog Safe and Healthy

Good nutrition for your dog includes nutritious foods, healthy dog biscuits and treats.
When you feed your pet a balanced and nutritious diet, good health will follow.
We often assume the food we purchase at the store is a quality product.
This is not always the case.
Not all dog treats or dog food is healthy for our pets to consume.
Do you know what to look for on the ingredients label? Lets face it, it is really confusing.
That is why making your own all natural dog biscuits and even natural dog food is a better alternative.
Poor Nutrition Store bought foods can contain preservatives, additives and artificial colors to name a few.
Additionally, they can contain fillers to make the product cost less.
Too much of these ingredients negatively affect your pets internal health causing chronic conditions and disease.
Oral Hygiene A canines oral hygiene is also impacted by poor nutrition.
Proper amounts of vitamins and minerals are necessary ingredients to build strong teeth.
That is why a good mix of soft and hard foods are necessary.
The harder variety of natural dog biscuits and food actually work to clean the canine's teeth, removing residue and keeping your puppy's gums healthy.
Do You Know...
The Five Food Items A Canine Should NEVER Consume?
  1. Chocolate, Tea, Coffee
  2. Alcoholic Beverages and nicotine products
  3. Grapes, Raisins or Macadamia nuts
  4. Bones from fish, poultry or other meats
  5. Raw eggs, onions or garlic
Additionally, giving hard candy to your puppy should be avoided.
Salt and salty food found in snacks are also a no-no.
The reasons the items on this list are excluded from a canine's diet range from the possibility of choking, digestive issues and the obvious caffeine and alcohol issues that also occur in humans.

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