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Natural ways beat stress and anxiety.

What is the biggest problem in each one of our lives today? What is the most common word that we hear from a grown up and not even a grown up but also a school going child usually says? The answer is 'stress'. The main cause of all health, physical and mental problems is this one word. Our lives are so hectic, so tied up that we tend to fail give time to our self. We get so busy in our work and life that we do not get time to concentrate on our health. We neglect our health running behind the goals of our life. The goals and competition in our life might cause anxiety in us. This is the second problem. We are so much pressurized with the competition around us, so messed up in the race of life that when we feel that something is difficult or impossible to achieve, we tend to get anxious. These two factors cause all sorts of physical and mental problems in our life. Depression, blood pressure, cardiac problems, muscle strains, joint pains, etc. these are just to name a few. To cope up with this there are many training sessions, meditation and yoga sessions. Rather than opting for medicines, incorporating yoga in your life will help you overcome all these problems.
When you speak about all this you need to understand what it is all about? You are very stressed with the routine in your life and you start facing problems like memory loss, stomach aches, losing your breath, cold or hot flashes, trembles in the body, etc. All these are symptoms of anxiety. Yoga is the best cure to all these problems. The mix of poses and meditation makes it best for your mind and body.
Beginning with meditation or other breathing exercises, it first helps you control your breath, your body and thus conserve energy in your body. It helps increase the blood circulation in your body which in turn increases the oxygen flow. The flow of oxygen and blood to the heart and brain keeps you refreshed and relieves you of all stress.
The other part of this exercise is the asanas. The body gets tired by continuously working all day long. The muscle of the body gets strained. Due to this we face problems like back ache, spinal cord trouble, etc. These problems if not taken in to consideration right in the beginning it might to lead to many major problems at later stages. The asanas or poses in this exercise help in stretching the muscles and relaxing the body. It helps in keeping the body fit and pain free. It also helps you control your body weight. Some forms of this exercise help you lose weight and maintain your health.
Think for a moment, will you let stress and anxiety take over your life and rule your life with all sorts of mental and physical problems? Will you let these problems make your life a hell and suffer with it? Or will you choose Yoga Retreats to live a healthy and relaxed life with your routine? The choice is yours.

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