How Do I Prepare for a Career as a WalMart Executive?
- 1). Get the proper degrees and perform well in school. Future Walmart executives will certainly need a high school diploma and most likely a college degree as well. Obtaining an MBA degree can also help. Also consider getting a retail-based internship while in school.
- 2). Familiarize yourself with the company's history and philosophies. Many books have been written about Walmart, but the best one to read is "Made in America" by Walmart founder Sam Walton. He lays out the company's background and shows what sets it apart. Also read the company's annual reports and its CEO's letters to shareholders for the past several years.
- 3). Apply for a job at Walmart. The Arkansas-based company has a history of promoting from within. It likes its executives to have worked in the trenches before taking management positions. So don't be afraid to start at the bottom and work your way up from an associate to store-level management, regional management and finally company-wide oversight. Work hard and show your abiity to learn at every level.
- 4). Study other retailers -- online and bricks and mortar -- to see what does and doesn't work. Consider suggesting "best practices" used by competitors at Walmart. Also take classes in management and show your skill at managing subordinate employees. Talk to customers about what they like.