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How to Lift a Fence Post

    • 1). Dig around the fence post base to determine whether it is set in concrete, using a shovel. If so, dig around the concrete footing to loosen the soil, making it easier to dislodge.

    • 2). Screw the block of wood securely to the side of your post near the base of the post, about a foot above ground level, using 4-inch screws and a power drill.

    • 3). Screw the two-by-four section of wood over the block of wood--parallel to the post--creating an overhang at the base of the block. This will ensure that a lever placed below the block to pry up and remove the post will not slip out from under the block of wood.

    • 4). Place a concrete block on the ground about 12 inches away from the post. This will be used as the fulcrum point to lever the post out of the ground.

    • 5). Place one end of the 5-foot-long two-by-four underneath the block of wood on the side of the post, fitting inside the two-by-four lip you created.

    • 6). Place the midsection of the 5-foot-long two-by-four on top of the concrete block, keeping the other end underneath the block on the post. Push down on the end furthest away from the post to leverage and lift the post out of the ground.

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