Is Your Spouse to be Blamed ?
Being an astrologer, most frequently, I come across shouting and quarreling couples. They are not happy in their married life. In almost every case, the person who is seeking astrological guidance; is the one who finds faults with the life-style, habits, attitude etc. of his/her spouse. Though the joint family system is on diminishing count, many times the in-laws are also instrumental in creating disharmony. In Indian scenario, when such persons approach astrologer, they have big bothering Question mark: "Why to Me?", "Why is she/he so blunt?", "Why this is with us? - Our horoscope were got matched". To analyze such situations, we need to understand the causes that bind persons into wedlock.
Who becomes Our Spouse?
It is very important that we should, at the very outset, understand the reason, why out of million others, none other but a particular person becomes our spouse? The cause is Karmic. During our life, as we deal with others, we create Karma. This means that either we owe something to others or we have some outstanding dues to be collected from others. This give & take is called Karmic Rinanubandha. This can be the joy as an output of positive karma or it can be sorrows and pain as an output of bad karma. This cycle of generating karma goes on continually throughout a life period. Many of such karma have very long gestation period. Such karma get accumulated and they are called 'Sanchita Karma'. Thus, at any given point of time, we have collection of such Sanchita karma involving people with whom we have interacted profusely. It can be in terms of volume or it can be in terms of gravity of the transactions. The pull of the unsettled karma generates a bond between the persons concerned. These are the people who get attracted towards each other and establish relationship even in another life period. They become parent-child, husband-wife, brother-sister, in-laws, neighbours, co-workers, business partners depending upon the volume of karma to be settled. Thus, all our relationships are karmic bonds and the only way to overcome this, is to deal with them in a gentle manner. Now you know, why we marry with a particular person? It is only because of the pressure of unsettled karma. This way, every relationship is an opportunity to workout the Karmic dues.
A Spouse is an Evolution Agent
As our ego travels from lives to lives, through reincarnations, it gets closer to perfection. The journey is aimed at establishing harmony of body-mind-spirit and with the environment. This is the process of psychic evolution through various experiences. Life, in this way, is a workshop for evolution of the spirit. During the process, we need to learn from others so that we can appreciate value and impact of human feelings. Amongst all relations, we interact the most with our spouses. So, think it over, your spouse is the person who imparts major lessons to you. Oie La, She or He is a teacher..! Learning through others is not easy. At times the person has to act bitterly while tough lessons are to be imparted. So, even by attracting your displeasure and ill feelings, your spouse teaches you lessons. Through these lessons we develop our psyche towards perfection. One should be obliged to ones spouse.! Do you agree?
It's all in Your Own Horoscope
Your horoscope is a balance-sheet of your Sanchit Karma. Joys and Sorrows, both are reflected in your individual horoscope. Thus, whatever you have got is attributable to your own past Karma. No one should have any reason to pass on the buck to the other person. The harmony and joy or the quarrels and disgusts; are output of your own past karma. You have the possibilities charted in your horoscope as to the quality of your married life. As regards potential of marital bliss, you have your own balance to your credit. This potential would remain same whether you marry to 'X' or 'Y'. This is the reason, I personally don't see much of logic in Horoscope matching. However, if you understand the characteristics of your spouse as expounded in his/her Ashta-koota as a part of kundli matching, and adjust accordingly, you will have smooth life. Let our approach to relationship be positive. The bonds are result of past but our reactions should come from our Free-will. On karmic plane let us keep vigil. Let the dues of the past get consumed without anger and harsh reactions. This is the way, one can save oneself from generating further bad karmas. Always remember, you have come together to settle the dues and learn lessons together.
Who becomes Our Spouse?
It is very important that we should, at the very outset, understand the reason, why out of million others, none other but a particular person becomes our spouse? The cause is Karmic. During our life, as we deal with others, we create Karma. This means that either we owe something to others or we have some outstanding dues to be collected from others. This give & take is called Karmic Rinanubandha. This can be the joy as an output of positive karma or it can be sorrows and pain as an output of bad karma. This cycle of generating karma goes on continually throughout a life period. Many of such karma have very long gestation period. Such karma get accumulated and they are called 'Sanchita Karma'. Thus, at any given point of time, we have collection of such Sanchita karma involving people with whom we have interacted profusely. It can be in terms of volume or it can be in terms of gravity of the transactions. The pull of the unsettled karma generates a bond between the persons concerned. These are the people who get attracted towards each other and establish relationship even in another life period. They become parent-child, husband-wife, brother-sister, in-laws, neighbours, co-workers, business partners depending upon the volume of karma to be settled. Thus, all our relationships are karmic bonds and the only way to overcome this, is to deal with them in a gentle manner. Now you know, why we marry with a particular person? It is only because of the pressure of unsettled karma. This way, every relationship is an opportunity to workout the Karmic dues.
A Spouse is an Evolution Agent
As our ego travels from lives to lives, through reincarnations, it gets closer to perfection. The journey is aimed at establishing harmony of body-mind-spirit and with the environment. This is the process of psychic evolution through various experiences. Life, in this way, is a workshop for evolution of the spirit. During the process, we need to learn from others so that we can appreciate value and impact of human feelings. Amongst all relations, we interact the most with our spouses. So, think it over, your spouse is the person who imparts major lessons to you. Oie La, She or He is a teacher..! Learning through others is not easy. At times the person has to act bitterly while tough lessons are to be imparted. So, even by attracting your displeasure and ill feelings, your spouse teaches you lessons. Through these lessons we develop our psyche towards perfection. One should be obliged to ones spouse.! Do you agree?
It's all in Your Own Horoscope
Your horoscope is a balance-sheet of your Sanchit Karma. Joys and Sorrows, both are reflected in your individual horoscope. Thus, whatever you have got is attributable to your own past Karma. No one should have any reason to pass on the buck to the other person. The harmony and joy or the quarrels and disgusts; are output of your own past karma. You have the possibilities charted in your horoscope as to the quality of your married life. As regards potential of marital bliss, you have your own balance to your credit. This potential would remain same whether you marry to 'X' or 'Y'. This is the reason, I personally don't see much of logic in Horoscope matching. However, if you understand the characteristics of your spouse as expounded in his/her Ashta-koota as a part of kundli matching, and adjust accordingly, you will have smooth life. Let our approach to relationship be positive. The bonds are result of past but our reactions should come from our Free-will. On karmic plane let us keep vigil. Let the dues of the past get consumed without anger and harsh reactions. This is the way, one can save oneself from generating further bad karmas. Always remember, you have come together to settle the dues and learn lessons together.