Will I Be Allowed To Eat Bread Products On Nutrisystem?
I recently heard from someone who asked about having bread on the Nutrisystem diet.
She wondered if it would be possible to add in a dinner roll at dinner or to add in some toast with the diet's oatmeal.
I'm certainly not a dietician but I can tell you how I interpret the guidelines.
The company publishes guidelines that come with your order.
You are asked to add in sides with each of your prepackaged meals.
They suggest adding in what they call "smart carbs" and "power fuels.
" This means that all add in items should be nutrient dense and low on the glycemic index.
This keeps you feeling fuel for longer and it keeps your blood sugars stable by providing enough fiber and protein.
There are breads suggested within the "smart carb" category, but they are specific types of bread like multi grain, oatmeal, pumpernickel, sourdough, pita, and whole wheat.
All of these choices have one thing in common.
They are not filled with white flour, sugar, or carbohydrates.
So while it probably wouldn't be highly compliant to eat pure, processed white bread, you are going to be fine having a slice of sourdough toast or a dinner roll (as long as its whole wheat or another low carbohydrate option.
) Also, keep in mind that many of the prepackaged meals provided to you include bread items.
For example, for breakfast, you have the option of bagels, pancakes, french toast, scones, muffins, and biscuits.
For lunch, the burritos, wraps, melts, and quesadillas all include bread with the entrée.
For dinner, the fajita and enchiladas are also fair game.
Desserts also include brownies and cakes, which might also meet this need.
So to answer the question posed, Nutrisystem is not like a lot of diets that exclude any desserts, breads or carbs.
While they do encourage adding in foods that contain fiber, protein, and are low on the glycemic scale, they don't really exclude many foods.
It's my perception that they really do want you to learn how to make your own smart choices, which is why they ask you to add in foods with each of their prepackaged meals.
Because think about it.
If all you ever did was just eat the food that they provided to you, then you'd never really learn how to make good choices at the grocery store.
Making good choices and learning to choose the right category of foods does become important once you lose the weight and go off of the diet.
Because this skill will allow you to keep the weight off so that you change your lifestyle rather than continuing to be on any diet.
She wondered if it would be possible to add in a dinner roll at dinner or to add in some toast with the diet's oatmeal.
I'm certainly not a dietician but I can tell you how I interpret the guidelines.
The company publishes guidelines that come with your order.
You are asked to add in sides with each of your prepackaged meals.
They suggest adding in what they call "smart carbs" and "power fuels.
" This means that all add in items should be nutrient dense and low on the glycemic index.
This keeps you feeling fuel for longer and it keeps your blood sugars stable by providing enough fiber and protein.
There are breads suggested within the "smart carb" category, but they are specific types of bread like multi grain, oatmeal, pumpernickel, sourdough, pita, and whole wheat.
All of these choices have one thing in common.
They are not filled with white flour, sugar, or carbohydrates.
So while it probably wouldn't be highly compliant to eat pure, processed white bread, you are going to be fine having a slice of sourdough toast or a dinner roll (as long as its whole wheat or another low carbohydrate option.
) Also, keep in mind that many of the prepackaged meals provided to you include bread items.
For example, for breakfast, you have the option of bagels, pancakes, french toast, scones, muffins, and biscuits.
For lunch, the burritos, wraps, melts, and quesadillas all include bread with the entrée.
For dinner, the fajita and enchiladas are also fair game.
Desserts also include brownies and cakes, which might also meet this need.
So to answer the question posed, Nutrisystem is not like a lot of diets that exclude any desserts, breads or carbs.
While they do encourage adding in foods that contain fiber, protein, and are low on the glycemic scale, they don't really exclude many foods.
It's my perception that they really do want you to learn how to make your own smart choices, which is why they ask you to add in foods with each of their prepackaged meals.
Because think about it.
If all you ever did was just eat the food that they provided to you, then you'd never really learn how to make good choices at the grocery store.
Making good choices and learning to choose the right category of foods does become important once you lose the weight and go off of the diet.
Because this skill will allow you to keep the weight off so that you change your lifestyle rather than continuing to be on any diet.