Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Boost Your Metabolism

Mirror, mirror on the wall, is that me, looking like an elephantine lost in a hall? Fats, fats, and fats.
Aren't these oils all yummy? They are all inside your body like Gouda cheese circulating with your blood.
But unlike the creamy cheese we used to spread in bread, fats make you like a lady lump dancing tic-tac-toe while singing a nursery rhyme.
Why not make a healthy turn and burn all these bad fats and gain a desirable weight? No diet pills, please.
The cases of anorexia and bulimia too, have built up too high and have proven deadly.
The drastic weight loss measures usually produce adverse effects, and place one's health on compromise.
Instead, choose the road to wellness that provides safer and healthier results.
Fats are one of the basic components in foods.
These are like fuels needed by our body in order to sustain life.
It is only by restricting the number of calories that one can achieve a good and healthy living.
You build muscle mass to increase your metabolism.
In boosting your metabolic rate, you're burning the fats accumulated from bad dieting.
Just as exercising and resting fats are burned at faster rate, your metabolic rate depends on the effect and amount of exercise that you do.
Metabolism is the chemical process by which energy is produced as we go on with different activities.
Exercising regularly can boost our metabolic rate and increase our muscle mass.
Faster metabolism burns calories up to 24 hours after exercising.
This means using more calories as we speeds up muscle mass.
However, the amount of calories burned depends on how hard and how often we perform our regular exercise.
Aerobic exercise depletes fats, gain muscular strength, and enhance metabolic rate.
Using weights can help your bones in becoming stronger and heavier.
Increasing your metabolic rate helps boost your immune system, enhance your memory, maintain appetite, and synergize fat loss.
Having some daily activities can also help weight loss.
Encourage yourself to have daily tasks like walking, playing sports, running, jugging, or stair climbing.
Anything simple but contributes in enhancing your physical and mental calisthenics will help improve your metabolism greatly.
Manage daily activities.
You will not only lose fats for desirable body weight but at the same time, a scheduled set of activities can contribute in reducing stress, anxiety, and fatigue, improving self-esteem and a positive sense of well-being, lowering your cholesterol and enhancing blood pressure.
We sometimes hear this maxim, "eat a low-fat, low cholesterol diet.
" This principle helps you lose weight, prevent cancer, and heart disease.
There are some ways to have an efficient metabolism: *Enjoy drinking water at least of eight to ten glasses daily.
Water helps scrap toxins and fats in your body.
*Have an intake of daily calories not more than ten percent from carbohydrates and sugars.
*Eat foods rich with proteins.
It helps your metabolism run smoothly through out the whole day.
*Eat only foods with 30 percent fats and avoid eating foods with saturated fats.
*Read nutrition labels carefully so you become aware of what you are eating and compare it with the portion of your daily servings.

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