Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Skin Aromatherapy Direct From the Garden

Skin aromatherapy need not cost a fortune.
Powerful botanicals, potent natural extracts, and fragrant dried flowers come from the garden, not the cosmetics aisle.
So, effective skin treatment should start in your own garden, too.
Maximizing the benefit and minimizing the cost of your skin treatment, keep it simple and perfectly natural.
Yes, you easily can invest hundreds of dollars in exotic, expensive skin care products from Chanel, Lancome, and Clinique.
With a little professional advice and encouragement from your cheerful, ever-so-helpful upscale retailer, you probably can convince yourself you get what you pay for.
If you buy your products on sale, you even can argue, "The more you spend, the more you save.
" But, really, all of that conspicuous consumption is just so twentieth century.
Supermodels and smart shoppers have evolved into a new age, embracing natural essential oils direct from the garden.
Eventually, you will discover, to your chagrin, the more you spend for your European extravagances, the less organic material you get.
You eventually will discover the further up the price lines you climb, the more toxic ingredients you buy.
Real fruits and vegetables cost very little; their synthetic equivalents and the chemists who make them, on the other hand, cost quite a bit.
You eventually will concede, in skin care as in most things smart and healthy, the fundamental principle of elegance applies: Less is more.
Concentrate on getting just enough of just the right stuff.
Stop shopping for skin products in the cosmetics aisles.
Start shopping for the very best-the premium, literally the cream of the crop and the top of the pop, the ultimate, consummate, and generally USDA prime-yes, the very best skin aromatherapy in the produce aisle.
Have dry skin? Hello, avocado.
Bon jour, bananas and cream.
Tired skin? Remember those cucumber slices you used to chill and put over your droopy eyes? They are still right there under your green grocer's tender care.
Natural Treatment for all kinds of skin? Hola, homemade soaps and shower gels infused with cleansing, healing, rejuvenating fruit and vegetable essences.
Why not extract the precious oils from oranges, lemons, and especially from mandarin oranges, and why not put their powerful cleansers and anti-bacterials to work on blemishes, breakouts, and other oily skin emergencies? Yes, some citrus fruits irritate very sensitive skin; they do far less harm, however, than the vicious acid peels and anti-biotics your narrow-minded, old-fashioned dermatologist would apply.
You cannot seriously believe that stuff you see on all-night cable really is good for you, can you? Skin essential oils comes in all your favorite flavors.
If you thought cinnamon-apple worked pretty well on French Toast, you should see what a proper mix of fruit and spice could do for your face.
If you thought chamomile worked pretty well in your herbal tea, you should see what it could do to calm your skin after shaving or waxing.
Please, remember, essential oil aromatherapy numbers among several naturopathic remedies for troubled skin.
Although dermatologists (tentatively) have concluded diet does not directly cause acne, nutritionists beg to differ.
Everything you eat influences every major organ and ultimately every cell in your body.
If you eat a steady diet of two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, special sauce, on a sesame seed bun, every one of those ingredients will show up somewhere on your skin, in your hair, around your middle, and packed into your thighs.
In addition to a carefully crafted system of skin aromatherapy, invest a little time and effort in healing your complexion from the inside out.

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