Evaluating the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Plan
What is it that makes Fat Loss 4 Idiots so special and different from other weight loss programs? What makes it so much better? Well, many would argue it's the unique Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan that helps make this program so effective for so many people, but how well does that argument hold water? Has anyone gone about evaluating the Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan? As far as I could tell-no, no one has.
So now I'm going to take this plan apart and see what makes it "tick.
" Before evaluating the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan it is important to note that this plan is unlike most others.
At its barest core it advocates boosting metabolism and doing little to no exercise-this is very different from say a traditional weight loss plan that tells you to practically kill yourself on the treadmill or starve yourself.
This plan seems to do the exact opposite.
Here are some things the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan outlines: 1.
) Eat regularly, don't go hungry.
Going hungry is a bad sign, anyone would agree.
What's bad about it? You feel miserably you are hungry, lack energy and you won't operate at peak performance.
Not to mention it does damage to your metabolism.
The hungrier you are the slower your body processes fat and food that is already being digested "somewhere down the line.
" If you aren't hungry you'll burn fat better and be happier-it's dead simple.
) Exercise! (If you feel like it).
Exercise is completely unnecessary for this plan to work well.
Of course it'll help boost metabolism and get you better results, but that doesn't matter, you can still get away with NOT doing it.
Just eat small meals and snacks throughout the day and this will keep tricking your body into boosting its' metabolism.
Bit by bit you'll burn more fat and get better at burning it.
) Eat healthy foods.
If you want to lose weight it IS possible to keep eating the way you eat and just change when and how you eat to lose weight.
This won't get you the best results though.
Fat Loss 4 Idiot's encourages healthy eating to maximize effectiveness.
Evaluating the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan goes even beyond the above outlined points.
The plan itself offers an exclusive "meal/diet plan generator" that takes all of your information and details and gives you a custom plan to follow-a lot like having your own nutritionist or dietitian helping you along, but only a fraction of the price.
So now I'm going to take this plan apart and see what makes it "tick.
" Before evaluating the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan it is important to note that this plan is unlike most others.
At its barest core it advocates boosting metabolism and doing little to no exercise-this is very different from say a traditional weight loss plan that tells you to practically kill yourself on the treadmill or starve yourself.
This plan seems to do the exact opposite.
Here are some things the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan outlines: 1.
) Eat regularly, don't go hungry.
Going hungry is a bad sign, anyone would agree.
What's bad about it? You feel miserably you are hungry, lack energy and you won't operate at peak performance.
Not to mention it does damage to your metabolism.
The hungrier you are the slower your body processes fat and food that is already being digested "somewhere down the line.
" If you aren't hungry you'll burn fat better and be happier-it's dead simple.
) Exercise! (If you feel like it).
Exercise is completely unnecessary for this plan to work well.
Of course it'll help boost metabolism and get you better results, but that doesn't matter, you can still get away with NOT doing it.
Just eat small meals and snacks throughout the day and this will keep tricking your body into boosting its' metabolism.
Bit by bit you'll burn more fat and get better at burning it.
) Eat healthy foods.
If you want to lose weight it IS possible to keep eating the way you eat and just change when and how you eat to lose weight.
This won't get you the best results though.
Fat Loss 4 Idiot's encourages healthy eating to maximize effectiveness.
Evaluating the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's plan goes even beyond the above outlined points.
The plan itself offers an exclusive "meal/diet plan generator" that takes all of your information and details and gives you a custom plan to follow-a lot like having your own nutritionist or dietitian helping you along, but only a fraction of the price.