Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

How to Move a Mobile Home Trailer

    • 1). Remove all of your personal goods from the trailer home and place them in a rented storage unit or a relatives garage. Many mobile home relocation services refuse to tow a mobile home trailer if there are any personal effects inside because of litigation risk.

    • 2). Determine the day you will want your mobile home trailer moved and hire a professional pilot car service if your mobile home moving company doesn't have its own. The moving company will require you to have one if it doesn't provide one, and most state laws require a pilot car in front of, and behind, any mobile home when it is on the highway.

    • 3). Provide all information about the current location of your mobile home trailer, as well as the exact destination where you desire the home to be moved, to both the moving company and also to the pilot car service. Your moving team will have to plan the shortest, safest route on which to move your home, and it may also have to survey the height of overpasses to make sure the home will fit when being towed through them.

    • 4). Take the finalized route information provided to you by your moving service to your local department of transportation office and provide it to the clerk. You must then purchase a mobile home moving permit from the clerk for that specific route, on the specific day and for the specific time at which the home is being moved. This is so that law enforcement agencies are aware of the move and so they may assist at busy intersections where tight turns may be required for your mobile home towing service.

    • 5). Have your mobile home wheels ready for your towing service to hook up to your mobile home before it arrives. Your team will more than likely elevate your trailer and install the wheels days or even a week before the actual day of the move. Once they have elevated, blocked and placed the wheels on your trailer, don't permit anyone to climb under the trailer to prevent injuries.

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