Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Are Herbal Insomnia Remedies Safe?

Thousands of herbal remedies are available in the market today such as supplements, pills, food and teas.
They contain different ingredients derived from plants and fruits that may help to treat, prevent or cure illnesses.
For instance, insomnia herbal remedies are derived from different plants that help to decrease sleep deprivation and sleep related problems.
And these remedies are very helpful if you're cutting medical expenses and looking for cheaper medical alternatives.
However, several herbal insomnia remedies claim to be safe to use, but do not comply as a drug with FDA regulation.
Herbal supplements fall under the food category rather than belonging to the drug category.
If you try to check their label or packaging, you'll see that it contains an FDA disclaimer.
This disclaimer states that the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.
Hence, products that do not undergo FDA evaluation may not be safe to use to treat medical conditions; it may worsen the condition or even lead to death.
And several cases of fatalities and complications were reported on excessive usage of herbal remedies.
In addition, herbal medications should be monitored by your health care professional.
But keep in mind that only licensed practitioners can monitor or supervise your herbal intake.
The following groups of people should not take or use herbal remedies with all due caution: · Infants and children · Pregnant women · Critically ill patients · People with history of allergic reaction · People with past history of seizures, cardiac problems, liver malfunction and kidney problems Several cases were reported that people using herbal remedies experienced adverse health effects.
They usually experience severe headache, dizziness, palpitations, hypertension, bleeding or even hallucinations and delirium.
It is highly recommended you consult your health care professional before taking any action on herbal remedies.
The risk of herbal remedies is greater than the benefits of it in our body.
Some herbal remedies can be toxic if taken in higher doses or concentrations.
Some may counteract certain conventional medicines or conditions.
And some may stimulate allergic reaction, seizures and heart attack that may impose severe health risk.
In conclusion, the safety considerations and strict precautionary measures are necessary to promote health rather than illness.
It may be beneficial to you now but take into consideration if herbal supplements comply with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by the FDA that ensures a quality product.
With GMP, every herbal supplements are produced in a quality manner, do not contain impurities and accurately labelled.
Just be smart and safe in choosing and purchasing health alternatives.

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