How Many Sentences Should Be in a Paragraph for a College Essay?
- According to Purdue Online Writing Lab, a paragraph is a group of sentences that discuss a single subject. Paragraphs typically begin with a topic sentence and end with a summary or transitional sentence. The body of the paragraph consists of one or more sentences to support the topic sentence. Paragraphs in college essays have no specific length.
- According to the TOELF-Prep Writing Practice site, in United States formal academic English, such as college essays, paragraphs must have a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. Following these guidelines, a paragraph in a college essay should contain at least four sentences.
- In college essays, you should write paragraphs that have a good topic sentence to prepare the reader for the content of your paragraph. Add two or more sentence to support the claims in your topic sentence. Conclude the paragraph with a transitional or concluding sentence to lead the reader to your next paragraph in your college essay.