Cover You And Your Family With Personal Accident Policy
Mostly we consider our home as the safest place; however accidents can happen at home and outside as well. People not only suffer great injuries but may also die during one of the unfortunate mishap. While road accidents are very common and kill thousands of people annually; homes are not safe either and it all comes down to human actions and precautions.
Lets see some of the shocking statistics to prove our point
More than 1.3 crore people in the world die due to road accidents and approximately 50 crore are injured. These are whooping figures which reverberate the uncertainty that surrounds us whether we are at fault or not!
Unfortunately, India has less stringent traffic rules, road safety and measures. This is mirrored in the fact that every 6 minutes, there is a death due to a road accident. A very interesting report from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that India loses about 20 billion dollars due to road accidents every year which is more than enough to feed about 40 % of Indias malnourished population. Staggering!
There are various injuries that one can sustain in an accident at home or on the road.
At home, the older people are at a risk of suffering a disability, fractures or even death due to an accident at the home according to a recent study.
If you work carelessly in the kitchen you may seriously injure yourself. Take precaution while opening a packet, box with a knife, closing the window, using electrical appliances, etc. One careless mistake can cause that blender blade to scrape through your stomach if it slips through the pan. Also, try to keep it out of the reach of kids.
Many people, while slamming doors can get their fingers crushed and even amputated if they catch themselves between the doors.
Falling off the stairs can lead to serious injuries such as fractures, meniscus medial problems, etc.
One of the major reasons of road accidents is rash driving and lack of obedience among the citizens. According to recent statistics it has been revealed that a number of accidents are caused due to over speeding, rash driving and also drunken driving. Pedestrians are also at fault sometimes when they dont cross the road according to the traffic rules which accidents and mishaps.
If you are not wearing proper headgear while driving a bike or scooter or not wearing a seat belt while driving, the injuries can be very grave. You could seriously hurt your head, suffer brain injury, hurt your back, spinal injury, go into a coma due to the head injury, or face trauma.
An accident is not only an unfortunate event which can change your life but also exhaust your savings investments and if you dont have a personal accident policy. Personal accident can put the future of you and your family in danger. Get you and your family insured and make a smart move by buying a personal accident policy.
A personal accident insurance has many benefits in that it not only provides coverage accidental death but also for permanent total disability, permanent partial disability and education benefits for your childrens. This also gives you tax benefits. An accident insurance ensures the financial stability of the members of your family.
Max Bupa Health Insurance is one of the best medical insurance company in India which provides mediclaim for you and your family. By Ankit Kumar