Health & Medical Men's Health

About Yeast Infections in Men

Yeast infection in men, which is also called male thrush -is not as uncommon as you may think.
It is understandable, but you might be reluctant to discuss with your doctor that you might have the symptoms of penile yeast infection and, hence you become another unreported case.
Do not be embarrassed to tell your doctor of symptoms related to infections such as penile skin sores, inflammation and yeasty-smelling discharge as well as light pain during urination.
Your doctor can treat the infection at the soonest time possible and, avoid a variety of complications.
Complications of yeast infections in men include the high possibility of transmitting the illness to your partner through sexual and oral intercourse.
The next thing to do is to ask your partner to be tested for infection especially around the vaginal area, if she has not yet been treated.
In all these activities of telling your doctor and your partner about your male thrush, you must remain cool, calm and collected, so to speak.
This way, you can find medical treatments, seek natural solutions and adopt lifestyle changes with a clear head.
Be secure in the knowledge that there are effective treatments for these kind of infections in men and in the fact that you are not alone in your fight.
There are other people that have had it too, and have successfully dealt with it.
Speaking of treatments, there are numerous effective, affordable and natural cures for yeast infections.
Nowadays, the emphasis is on the natural methods because the medical treatments - primarily of topical applications - are ineffective for many reasons.
These pharmaceutical drugs only treat the symptoms and not the cause and, in many cases, can even lead to a worsening of the symptoms of male thrush.
So, be aware and use this knowledge when discussing treatments with your doctor.
The following are the most effective natural treatments for yeast infections: * Go to your local health food stores.
Look for cold coconut oil in liquid and pill forms, which can be taken as directed.
* Stock up on garlic.
This humble spice can be used to either rub the affected area (peel and crush one clove) or taken orally (take three cloves daily).
* Use the hot tub for your treatments.
Pour a small bottle of apple cider vinegar on your hot bath and then soak in it for about 30 minutes to restore the penile pH balance and to relieve itching sensations.
* Add yogurt to your diet.
It contains microorganisms that fight off the source of the yeast infection - Candida albicans - in your digestive tract.
This is a proven treatment against yeast infection in men and women.
* Use essential oils.
The best are oregano and tea tree oils which can be applied on the affected area.
The best thing to do, however, in making sure that your yeast infection will not recur is to adopt lifestyle changes primarily in your diet.
You have to eat more fruits and vegetables especially the fiber-rich ones.
You also need to avoid foods rich in starch, sugar, stimulants and gluten.
Oh, and if you are single - avoid other people that might also have yeast infections.

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