Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Crawford Truck Tow Truck Dealers Are Now Proud To Offer Jerr-dan Mpl & Mpl40 Wreckers And Tow Trucks

Crawford Truck is now proud to offer Jerr-Dan MPL & MPL Wreckers and Tow Trucks. There are many reasons that you should be aware Crawford Truck is now offering the MPL wreckers. The MPL wrecker offers best in class visibility; this means you have an exceptional view of the under lift and crossbar as well as a low profile, tapered rear deck winch mounted below the rear window. The clear deck top offers more space for storage, coincidently it has the most usable flat storage in the industry. In addition, it offers the longest under lift reach in its class. This allows the tow truck operator to get long overhang vehicles and negative tilt feature allows the tow truck to tow vehicles from ditches or downhill. The patented LOCKLINK over- center L-Arm Locking device keeps the arm behind the tire. The standard adjustable under lift level stop assist system gets you set up quickly by providing an interrupts to the remote control signal to stop the under lift travel at a desired loading position

The MPL Wrecker is the perfect repossession tow truck. It offers best in class features: outstanding visibility, longest under lift, patented over-center LOCKLINK mechanism and a modular aluminum body. The standard Adjustable Under lift Level Stop Assist Systems gets you set up and in position as quick as possible. It provides an interrupt to the remote control signal to stop the under lift travel at a desired a loading position. Negative tilt is ideal for those vehicles in ditches or on steep inclines. The under lift self loading wheel grids offer 4,000 lb capacity and a power tilt and fold at 20 degrees.
In addition to these new tow trucks for sale, Crawford Truck also has a large inventory of used tow trucks for sale and an extensive amount of wreckers in Massachusetts.

The MPL wrecker offers a new modular aluminum body design and Rubrails that make for easy maintenance. This tow truck has integrated fender liners and flares which are reliable and won"t rust. The high speed worm gear winch is durable, fast and reliable; the hoses and valves have been relocated to allow for easier servicing. This Jerr-Dan tow truck offers a 10 function Wireless Remote Control which offers convenient operation of all valve functions, in cab or out. The MPL 40 offers a motorcycle towing adapter that adds versatility to your tow truck operation.

Crawford Truck is the premier tow truck dealer on the east coast featuring Jerr-Dan Tow Trucks and tow truck parts for sale.

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