Health & Medical Parenting

Popular Baby Shower Games: Dirty Diapers

During baby shower games, there are a lot to be played.
There are a wide variety of available games on the Internet.
It ranges from challenging baby shower games, ice breakers to simple fun games.
In the challenging games, it includes baby animals game, baby items in the bag, baby scrabble, baby word scramble, candy in a bottle and mommy secrets.
While in ice breakers, it consists of don't say baby and guess the baby game.
When it comes to the fun baby shower games, it also offers a lot of games like baby sketch game, guessing the baby food, guess mother's waist, cotton ball game, pass the parcel and one of the most popular game, dirty diapers.
These are just some of the variety of games that you can find on the web.
It is important to have a number of games in your bag to have some reserve in case you need one.
Make sure to think if it be will truly enjoyed by the guests before selecting a certain game.
How to play Dirty diapers is a game played in almost every baby shower.
It is that popular! But how is it really played? Here's the game directions: Before the Party · Write a number with a marker on the front of each disposable diaper, one to eight.
Unfold the diapers and lay it on a flat surface.
· Open the candy bars then break it to small pieces; place it on the center of a diaper.
Make sure to list the diaper number and type of candy on a piece of paper.
· Microwave each diaper until the candy melts.
Pinch each diaper to spread the melted candy inside the diaper.
Reopen the diapers and set it aside to let the candy cool and harden.
During the Event · Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen or pencil then ask your guests to number their papers one to eight.
Explain to them that they are going to determine by sight, smell or taste what is in each diaper.
Answers should be written on the paper.
· Allow sufficient time for all guests to examine all the diapers and record their answers, after they passed around the diapers.
· Announce to the guests the candy bars by number after end the game and have them circle their correct answers.
Whoever has the most right answers will be the winner.
There is also an alternative diaper game that you can play.
Cut a cloth or paper into 4-inch squares.
Cut it in half diagonally to create triangles; mark a dot on the center of one triangle to make the dirty diaper.
Then, fold each triangle with the three points overlapping; place a small safety pin through the points to hold the diaper together.
Then, pin a diaper on each guest at the beginning of the party.
Have all guests check their diaper during the event and determine the winner.
After the game, award a prize to the guest with the dirty diaper.
Games make the party livelier so carefully choosing what to play is key.
But it is not just about the game.
It is the celebration of the coming of a new member to the family.

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