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How to Get Mulch From Decomposing Logs

    • 1). Use a chainsaw to cut the decomposing logs into sections no more than 3 feet long and 6 inches wide. If the log has decomposed for a long time, it may be soft enough to pull apart manually or with a small ax.

    • 2). Feed the log pieces into a gas-powered wood chipper. You will need a large chipper that can handle branch pieces up to 6 inches in diameter. Keep your hands away from the opening of the chipper and use another stick or broom handle to push the wood down into it.

    • 3). Feed the pieces of the decomposed log into the chipper until you have chipped the entire thing. Look over the wood chip mulch and feed it back into the chipper if you want it to have a finer texture.

    • 4). Spread the mulch around the plants at a depth of 3 to 6 inches. Keep the mulch away from the base of the plants and trees.

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