Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Common Causes of hair Loss in Women

Common baldness in women, also called female pattern alopecia, is genetically inherited and can come from either the mother's or father's side of the family. Female alopecia most commonly presents in a diffuse pattern, where hair loss occurs over the entire scalp. Less commonly, women exhibit a patterned distribution where most of the thinning occurs on the front and top of the scalp with relative sparing of the back and sides.

The type of thinning locks, dissipate or designed, has important implications for treatment. Women with dissipate thinning locks are generally best treated medically, whereas women with designed thinning locks may be good candidates for locks surgery. Interestingly, designed thinning locks are the most common type seen in men and accounts for why a greater proportion of men are candidates for surgery compared to women.

In women who are genetically predisposed to thinning locks, both dissipate and designed distributions are caused by the actions of two enzymes aromatize. Diffuse thinning locks is most often hereditary, but it can also be caused by underlying medical conditions, medications, and other factors; therefore, a thorough medical evaluation is an important part of the management. In the next sections, we will take a closer look at both the mechanisms of genetically induced female thinning locks as well as the medical conditions and drugs that can cause dissipate thinning locks in women.

A common cause of thin locks is from taking it too tight into a ponytail or other style that puts grip on the roots. Hair loss or lack of locks that comes from persistent taking is known as grip hair loss. Some females twist and pull the locks often, in response to stress. The condition is known as trichotillomania that can become an unrecognized habit. Being aware and seeking reducing stress with counseling or medications can help. Twisting and taking locks results in broken off patches, making the ends of the locks thinner overall appearance uneven. Several types of medication can cause hair loss in females. You'll want to discuss your prescriptions with your doctor before stopping any of them.

Medications that can cause lack of locks in females include some antidepressants, anti-fungal and epilepsy medication, oral contraceptives, antibiotics, some blood pressure medication, steroids, thyroid medication and diet pills. You can speak with your pharmacist or physician to find out f your prescription drugs are causing thinning hair or hair loss.

A condition known as Telogen effluvium can cause widespread hair loss in women, as opposed to patchy loss of hair. It happens when you start to find hairs in the sink and on your hair brush. One reason it can occur is from low levels of thyroid, or hypothyroidism. Drugs, stress, surgery and other chronic illnesses can also cause your hair to fall out. If all other reasons have been explored, you might need to ask your doctor to check your thyroid hormone level that can be done with a simple blood test.

There are myths that women with thinning hair or hair loss should avoid hair sprays, coloring, teasing the hair and frequent shampooing. Hair products can make a positive difference for women whose hair is thin or falling out. Contrary to popular belief, hair products won't make the problem worse.

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