How to Make Sympathy Flowers
- 1). Decide whether you wish to use real or silk flowers. Both are great options. Caring for a live plant will remind the family of the deceased person each time they care for the plant. However, with silk flowers there is no fear that the plant or flower will dry up and die, creating a painful reminder of the deceased.
- 2). Choose a vase suited to the type of arrangement you have chosen to create; real plants will need larger vases or pots to support root systems while this is not important for silk flowers or flowers cut at the stems. For flowers cut at the stems, be sure to fill the vase with water and a nutrient solution to prevent the flowers from wilting away too soon after cutting. Cut real flowers yourself if possible, to ensure the flowers are fresh.
- 3). Stick a piece of floral arrangement foam into a vase you intend to use for silk flowers. You may need to get the foam to fit the vase you are using; this can be done easily with scissors and the foam does not have to look perfect, as it will be hidden inside the vase.
- 4). Stick at least two types or colors of real or silk flowers into the vase to create a visually appealing color contrast. Choose colors that match the season, event, or flowers and colors the deceased was fond of. Stick the flowers in at various heights and angles to make arrangements appear fuller. For silk flowers, you will be sticking the flower stems securely into the arrangement foam.
- 5). Affix a ribbon and bow to the sympathy flowers' vase. Write a memorial message onto the ribbon if desired. Further, trim the arrangement to memorialize the deceased by adding embellishments that represent the deceased. For a deceased child, try tiny toys glued to the ends of cardholders and stuck into the flower arrangement. For a deceased woman with breast cancer, consider placing tiny breast cancer awareness ribbons.