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Jobs at ship and salary expectation

Jobs at ship and salary expectation

Deck Officers: To apply for Jobs


Captain is the traditional title given to the person in charge of a ship at sea.
Expected salary can range between 6000 USD to 18000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

Chief Mate

A Chief Mate (C/M) or Chief Officer is a licensed member and head of the deck department of a merchant ship. The chief mate is a watch keeper and is in charge of the ship's cargo and deck crew.Expected salary can range between 4000 USD to 15000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

Second Mate

A Second Mate (2/M) or Second Officer is a licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship. The second mate is the third in command officer and a watch keeping officer, the ship's navigating officer.Expected salary can range between 2000 USD to 10000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

Third Mate

A Third Mate (3/M) or Third Officer is a licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship. The third mate is a watch keeper. Other duties vary depending on the type of ship, its crewing, and other factors.Expected salary can range between 1500 USD to 7000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

There are other Jobs at ship in deck department

Engine officer: To apply for Jobs

Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer is the individual with overall responsibility for the engineering projects undertaken for or by a company.Expected salary can range between 6000 USD to 18000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company.

First Assistant Engineer

A First Assistant Engineer or Second Engineer is responsible for supervising the daily maintenance and operation of the engine department.Expected salary can range between 4000 USD to 15000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

Second Assistant Engineer

A Second Assistant Engineer or Third Engineer is usually in charge of boilers, fuel, auxiliary engines, condensate and feed systems.Expected salary can range between 2000 USD to 10000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

Third Assistant Engineer

The Third Assistant Engineer, also known as the Fourth Engineer, is a licensed member of the engineering department on a merchant vessel.Expected salary can range between 1500 USD to 7000USD depending upon type of ship, nationality and Company

There are other Jobs at ship in engine department

Other Jobs at ship are Bosun,Able Body Seamen, Ordinary seamen, Oiler ,Wiper, Chief cook, Steward.

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