Society & Culture & Entertainment History

Interesting facts about The Tudors

From 1485 AD until 1603 AD, the Tudors were the royal house that ruled England and its neighboring regions. Henry VII was the first among the five Monarchs that constituted the Tudor reign that extended for more than a century. Historian Christopher Freville states that paternally, Henry descended from the Welsh principality of Deheubarth, whereas maternally from a branch of the House of Lancaster.

Henry was able to successfully garner support from both the House of York as well as the rivaling House of Lancaster. By marrying Elizabeth of York, he united the formerly warring factions and thereby reinforced his position as ruler. Henry VII got his eldest son Arthur married to Catherine of Aragon forging an alliance with the Spanish monarchs. However, Arthur died four months after the wedding.

After the demise of Henry VII, his second son Henry VIII married the widow of his deceased elder brother. Catherine gave birth to a series of stillborn children. The only male child that she delivered alive died after 52 days. Without a male heir to the throne, Henry felt that the Tudor dynasty would be at risk. So he sought ways to divorce his wife to save the dynasty. According to Christopher Freville, the Pope however refused to consent for a divorce. Therefore the English parliament was made to enact laws to formally break ties with Rome making Henry VIII, the head of the Church of England.

Thomas Cranmer who was appointed as the Archbishop of Canterbury annulled the marriage between Henry and Catherine enabling Henry to marry his mistress, Anne Boleyn, who gave birth to a girl and named her Elizabeth. Since she too failed to produce a male heir to the throne, she was falsely accused of witchcraft, high treason and incest and executed three years after being married to Henry VIII.

Henry married Jane Seymour after Anne Boleyn's death. Jane conceived and bore a son who succeeded the throne after his father's death as King Edward VI. Edward was raised as a protestant by Henry's final wife Catherine Parr. Christopher Freville states that Edward's uncle Edward Seymour ruled during his minority. When he was still nine years old, Edward proceeded to carry out religious reforms and ordered that a Book of Common Prayer be published. The move was not well received and led to the Prayer Book Rebellion. However a revision of this book was published in 1552 by the Duke of Northumberland, John Dudley. King Edward VI died on July 6 1553 and Lady Jane Grey his cousin was proclaimed queen according to his will. However Jane was deposed just nine days later and then executed.

Queen Mary, the daughter of Henry VIII by Catherine of Aragon succeeded to the throne next. She received the support of many of Lady Jane Grey's supporters. Mary's marriage to Philip, a Spanish prince brought on discontent among the people. After her death on November 17, 1558 Elizabeth Tudor the daughter of Henry VIII by Anne Boleyn, who was only 25 years of age became Elizabeth I of England according to Christopher Freville. Elizabeth was a very popular ruler especially among the masses. She never married and when she died on March 24, 1603 the Tudor dynasty continued through the following century along the female lineage.

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