Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Can I Stop This Divorce?

Can I stop this divorce? You may have been asking yourself that question lately? That is a difficult question to answer because each and every situation is quite different.
The answer to that question could be "yes", for a little while.
As you know, the divorce lawyers are raking in the cash and business is great.
Statistics tell us that over 50 per cent of marriages end in divorce.
It's almost frightening that this number is so high.
It could be because so many couples get married too quickly before they really know what they're getting into.
The marriage may be in trouble even before all of the guests have left the wedding reception.
Do you think that people are getting married at too young of an age? That could be one reason, but many couples that have been married for 20 to 30 plus years and are getting divorced too.
It makes you wonder about all of those "celebrity" marriages that seem doomed from the start.
If you're wondering "Can I stop this divorce?" it's probably not because you married too young or because you're in a marriage that was destined to fail.
You've probably grown apart from your spouse.
Everybody grows in one way or another.
You take on certain interests that keep you occupied, such as your career or a hobby.
When one spouse grows and takes on new interests, it can possibly cause a disconnect between each other.
Unfortunately, jealousy and envy creep in and the other spouse might feel inadequate or cheated in some way.
The recommended treatment for such feelings is marriage counseling.
If counseling is not feasible then you can make an effort to take become interested in something that your spouse does apart from you.
You will begin to discover if the gap between your activities is what is causing the problem.
If they aren't thrilled about your interest, then drop it.
Your spouse probably considers that particularly activity to be "me" time for them.
If, however, your spouse seems to be enthusiastic about your involvement, then maybe that was part of the problem all along.
They wanted to include you but didn't know how to proceed, or thought that you may not be interested.
You should show that you are genuinely interested in what they are doing.
Engage them in real conversation about their interest.
Try to be as affectionate as possible and make some physical contact during the conversation.
Because you're asking yourself, "Can I stop this divorce?" you will want to do anything you can get to things moving in your direction.
Remember, you're trying to save the marriage so even though you might not be too interested in their hobby, don't give it away.

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