Seeing Through
Seeing The Whole Picture Have you ever started a new project that seemed overwhelming.
You start to gather all the materials you will need to begin and just looking at all the parts and pieces is almost too much to handle.
When you envisioned it, it seemed manageable.
something you could do easily in your mind.
But now, staring down at the millions of nuts and bolts on the floor and reading the instructions that make no sense to you, you begin to wonder if you will ever get through this mess.
I believe that this is why God only gives us small glimpses of things to come, adventures to travel and tasks to accomplish...
He knows that if we saw all the pieces of our lives in one glimpse we would not be able to handle it...
quite frankly, I believe our heads would explode.
I often think about an example that a former Pastor of ours gave at church one Sunday.
He said that our lives are laid out like a long line of railroad cars...
we are standing there staring at the tracks as one-by-one the cars slowly go by.
We see the car that represents a time of unhappiness and despair in our lives and that is all we can see.
That car seems to linger there forever.
We see no end to it.
no way out.
Then as the car passes by we see another car come by loaded with happiness and peace.
We never want that car to leave our sight.
It represents good things and hopeful times.
But soon it moves by and another car takes it place.
The passing of these cars is how our lives work whether we are believers or not.
We are only able to see one car at a time.
God designed it that way, knowing that is all we can handle.
He designed us to lean on Him whether we are in a joyful time or a time of despair.
Over the years I have noticed that if I praise Him through the pain the "railroad car of despair" passes by quicker than it would if I complained about it.
We will be made to stare at that same car until we take our eyes off of the car and look up to the One who controls all of the cars of our life.
If we could see our lives from above, looking down on the entire train, we would see the whole tapestry of our lives.
The mountains and the valleys, the joys and the tears, the successes and the failures.
More importantly, we would see how all those cars fit together, one to the other to make us who we are.
That may be a strange analogy, but if you picture those individual cars that display the ups and downs of our lives you understand that quite often all we can see is what is right in front of us and we don't trust in the One who knows our past, knows our present AND knows our future.
(Jeremiah 29:11) Do you know that all those pieces of your life were handcrafted by the One who made the heavens and the earth? He cares enough about each of us to only show us one car at a time.
If we trust in Him, He will give us the strength to see just what we need to see, when we need to see it.
Remember, God looks down and sees the "whole train".
He knows how it all works together to get us to the destination He has planned for us.
What is your destination? Do you pray about where God wants you to go? Do you KNOW Him as your Lord and Savior? Have you trusted Him with all you have? He is the only truth.
If you want to learn more about Jesus, please drop me a line There is no greater peace than the Peace Of God.
If you don't know Jesus...
DON'T WAIT any longer.
Ask Him today to be your Lord...
To follow Him.
He loves you so much.
He can change your life on earth and give you eternal life with HIM in Heaven.
Open your heart and let Him in.
He is waiting to...
" God Bless You Laurette
You start to gather all the materials you will need to begin and just looking at all the parts and pieces is almost too much to handle.
When you envisioned it, it seemed manageable.
something you could do easily in your mind.
But now, staring down at the millions of nuts and bolts on the floor and reading the instructions that make no sense to you, you begin to wonder if you will ever get through this mess.
I believe that this is why God only gives us small glimpses of things to come, adventures to travel and tasks to accomplish...
He knows that if we saw all the pieces of our lives in one glimpse we would not be able to handle it...
quite frankly, I believe our heads would explode.
I often think about an example that a former Pastor of ours gave at church one Sunday.
He said that our lives are laid out like a long line of railroad cars...
we are standing there staring at the tracks as one-by-one the cars slowly go by.
We see the car that represents a time of unhappiness and despair in our lives and that is all we can see.
That car seems to linger there forever.
We see no end to it.
no way out.
Then as the car passes by we see another car come by loaded with happiness and peace.
We never want that car to leave our sight.
It represents good things and hopeful times.
But soon it moves by and another car takes it place.
The passing of these cars is how our lives work whether we are believers or not.
We are only able to see one car at a time.
God designed it that way, knowing that is all we can handle.
He designed us to lean on Him whether we are in a joyful time or a time of despair.
Over the years I have noticed that if I praise Him through the pain the "railroad car of despair" passes by quicker than it would if I complained about it.
We will be made to stare at that same car until we take our eyes off of the car and look up to the One who controls all of the cars of our life.
If we could see our lives from above, looking down on the entire train, we would see the whole tapestry of our lives.
The mountains and the valleys, the joys and the tears, the successes and the failures.
More importantly, we would see how all those cars fit together, one to the other to make us who we are.
That may be a strange analogy, but if you picture those individual cars that display the ups and downs of our lives you understand that quite often all we can see is what is right in front of us and we don't trust in the One who knows our past, knows our present AND knows our future.
(Jeremiah 29:11) Do you know that all those pieces of your life were handcrafted by the One who made the heavens and the earth? He cares enough about each of us to only show us one car at a time.
If we trust in Him, He will give us the strength to see just what we need to see, when we need to see it.
Remember, God looks down and sees the "whole train".
He knows how it all works together to get us to the destination He has planned for us.
What is your destination? Do you pray about where God wants you to go? Do you KNOW Him as your Lord and Savior? Have you trusted Him with all you have? He is the only truth.
If you want to learn more about Jesus, please drop me a line There is no greater peace than the Peace Of God.
If you don't know Jesus...
DON'T WAIT any longer.
Ask Him today to be your Lord...
To follow Him.
He loves you so much.
He can change your life on earth and give you eternal life with HIM in Heaven.
Open your heart and let Him in.
He is waiting to...
" God Bless You Laurette